Economic Development Committee Minutes 04.10.24

The meeting started a bit past 6:00. Present were Scott McCaskill (Chair), Jim Bibbo (Vice-Chair), and Marlene Freyler (Select Board). Also present, as interested members of the public, were Bruce Gezelman, and Karen Booker from Sutton.

The minutes from the previous month’s meeting were approved.

This meeting was a general discussion on a variety of topics, including: parking; sidewalks on West Main Street; grants, funding, and some of the difficulties associated with them; water and sewerage in the village center; and the difficulties for small businesses wanting to locate in village center.

Scott also provided updates on the new town web site, development of which is proceeding well; on the possibility of erecting a sign to replace the sandwich boards at the corner of Main Street; and on the supplementary funding for the Independence Day celebration. So far, $750 has been collected; the goal is $5000. Scott has a few more businesses to visit. Bruce suggested placing donation cans at several of the local businesses; Scott will look into this.

The meeting ended just before 7:00.

Submitted by Scott McCaskill