BACC August minutes

BACC meeting August 11th 2010, those present Dawn Rich, Kate Dobrowski, Margaret Raymond, Ona Ruchti, and Bruce Edwards.
Dawn opened meeting at 4:38pm. Minutes from July 14th 2010 approved.

Directors report Kate
Floors were waxed, AED checked pedi and adult pads have been ordered, picnic table was painted by Jeff Gove.
Health and Human services :
An alternative health care series for the fall is being scheduled. mt. view sr. center, Ellen, Martha, and Kate will be coordinating. the date is set for thursday oct 21 2010
Parks and Rec
Swimming lessons with Nicole Wallace going well and will end fri.

 30 children all together. bradford womens club will be handing out popcicles on fri.
Funday will take place on Sept. 18 at 10 am parks and rec looking for ideas and volunteers
Halloween its not to early to think about the p&r halloween event
Fall hiking trying to organize a fall hiking club which would lead into the ski snowshoe activity
archery also cont. this year
Cathy Zoeller has reserved space for childrens yoga next month.
Gardens please help yourselves to some fresh herbs the raised bed gardens are growing strong.
old business
the emergency lighting fixture still needs to be replaced
Seniors report Ona:
Sunapee cruise was great with about 40 people lunch was good Phil worked hard on the phone getting the group together. Fri. brunch was a sucess as usual about 25 people attended the stitchers are busy with pin cushions and quilt pieces, hope to start raffel tickets soon. we still have VNA blood pressure and foot care once a month. this month we had a speaker from medicare to help anyone understand what its all about’
Kap. first day of school is Aug. 30
Farmers market doing well
CIP has been submitted to Marlene Fryler between 10,000 and 25,000 dollars may be needed to replace floors
meeting adjorned 5:25

unapproved – submitted by Bruce Edwards