Brown Memorial Library Trustee Minutes 07.11.18

Brown Memorial Library Trustee Meeting Minutes, Wednesday, July 11th, 2018.


Nola Jordan, Jason Grey, Patty Furness, Annette Leonas, Seth Benowitz, and Ellen Barselle.  The board meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm.

  1. The secretary’s report was presented and read. A motion was made and passed to accept the report.
  1. The librarian’s report was presented. Patron attendance and circulation was up this month.  Children’s material was steady and both summer reading programs have had significant participation, The Reading Rocks program had a large attendance for the music series.
  1. The treasurer’s report was presented. The library received $248.00 from donations; $240.00 from on-going book sale, and $8.00 from general donations. A motion was made and passed to accept the donations.  The treasurer also prepared a year to date budget break down.  This budget was discussed with the library director and will be presented to the full board in the upcoming months to facilitate the setting of the FY19 budget. The supplies expenses were are a concern from the treasurer specifically the price/consumption of paper and ink.  Questions were raised about ways to mitigate higher paper/ink costs ranging from higher prices for copies to patrons bringing their own paper with.  The library float for the Independence Day parade won 1st prize of $100 from the town.  A motion was made and passed to accept the treasurer’s report.
  1. The treasurer put forth a resolution to the board to resolve board members currently elected to positions be properly represented on the Library’s checking account. The treasurer called for Connie to be removed and replaced with Annette the assistant treasurer for the Bar Harbor checking account. Resolution was seconded and unanimously approved by the board.

Old Business

  1. The lighting sub-committee (Seth, Patty, and Jason) presented findings and recommendations on how to proceed with updating the lights for the library. Seth presented the sub-committee’s recommendation to not work further with Sage interior designs but to hire an electrician and order materials internally.  Nola moved to accept the sub-committee’s recommendation, Annette seconded and the board unanimously approved the recommendation.  Next steps will begin immediately with interviewing local electricians for the job and their advice.

New Business

  1. The fire alarm was recently tripped in the early morning hours, this was determined to be a false alarm and more than likely caused by the phone lines going on and off. Nola recommended appointing three board members that could be called in to assess fire alarm issues.  Board members volunteered and were assigned in order of precedence based off proximity to the library. The three board members that will be added to the alarm company’s contact list are Jason, Seth and Nola (currently on the list). At the time of additions, Meg Fearnley the will be removed from the contact list.
  2. The Town Hall inquired as to if the library would like to participate in the heating oil contract with the community center again. This should result in a lower flat rate oil price throughout the heating period.  Board was in agreement to commit to the consortium with the Town Hall when the time came.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:56 pm.  The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 1, 2018, at 6:00pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

For the Secretary

Jason Grey

(As directed)