Brown Memorial Library Trustee Meeting Minutes 03.04.20

In attendance: Laurie Buchar, Patty Furness, Annette Leonas, Seth Benowitz, Connie Scheffy, Devin Pendleton, Ellen Barselle, Caitlin Banaszak, Sandy Wadlington

Meeting convened at 6:10PM

Annette motioned and Connie seconded to accept Secretary’s report. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Connie motioned to accept donations, Seth seconded, and the motion was passed.

The  actual expenses for the roof repair and door replacement were discussed and in line with the proposals. There was a discussion on the Library’s investment policy, and Laurie motioned and Seth seconded to accept it as written. Motion passed.

Librarian’s Report: Ellen asked for a show of interest for trustees to attend Spring Conference for trustees. A few trustees were interested. Ellen asked that the new librarian (Gemma) be paid $15 an hour. Patty motioned for the pay increase, Devin seconded, and the motion passed.

New Business: Patty welcomed new staff and new trustees.

We discussed the plant/book sale which will be held May 23rd. Patty will contact Janet Sillars to see if she is able to provide help.

Laurie suggested we think about a float for the July 4th parade (which will be June 27th)

Ellen discussed the need for a new computer. Devin suggested looking into grants to get funding for a new computer.

Elections for Trustee positions will be held next meeting. Sandy reminded everyone she would like to step down as a trustee as soon as a replacement can be found.

Meeting ended 7:04 PM

Respectfully submitted by Sandy Wadlington, Secretary