Brown Memorial Library Trustee Minutes 01.02.19

In attendance: Patty Furness, Nola Jordan, Seth Benowitz, Jason Grey, Annette Leonas, Ellen Barselle, and Sandy Wadlington. Meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM.

  1. Secretary’s report was presented;  there was a motion to accept and it passed.
  1. Treasurer’s report presented. All is in line and on track. There was a larger amount for general donations ($620) in December because of the year-end. Nola explained a bit about the different funds and their appropriate uses. Nola also discussed BML investment policy. Motion to accept Treasurer’s report was accepted and passed.
  1. Librarian’s Report: There was a good turnout for December programs. Numbers for patrons and books taken out were in line.

Old Business:

Seth discussed the history of his interactions with Tom Radford, the electrician who will install the LED lights. Tom has been slow to respond, and there is some frustration. Tom also said there was a price increase of $200 for the lights, and therefore the Trustees needed to sign off on that. There was a vote to authorize $500 (and not to exceed $500) for increase of bulbs and any other contingencies. The vote passed. We are hoping Tom will begin work on Jan. 14th, 2019.

New Business:

Annette review the Policies for the library. She explained the major changes in Policies are the clarifications of the holidays (where the library will be closed). Copier fees were also added to Policies. A motion to approve the amended policies was presented and approved.

Ellen asked for $500 for special programming in 2019, which will be coordinated with The Friends.(The Friends may be able to help with the funding). The two programs of interest are Russian Fabrege Eggs (history and later a hands-on program to make them) and Lego Robotics. Both are through the NH Humanities Council. A motion was made to authorize the funding, and was passed.

Ellen announced she and Leslie Grey are starting a library podcast.

The terms for the trustees was discussed, and who will run and who will be stepping down. We discussed the need to recruit new members.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 PM. The next meeting will be Feb 6th.

Respectfully submitted,

Sandy Wadlington, Secretary