Brown Memorial Library Trustee Minutes 09.05.18

Brown Memorial Library Trustee Minutes for Sept. 5, 2018

In attendance: Patty Furness, Seth Benowitz, Jason Grey, Nola Jordan, Annette Leonas, Connie Scheffy, and Sandy Wadlington, Ellen Barselle

The motion to accept the August minutes was presented and accepted.

Treasurer’s Report: We are solvent. Most donations to library are from the ongoing book sale. Will need money from Special Projects for electrician and updating alarm system.

Librarian’s Report: Total circulation was up.

Old business: Lighting update- Seth expressed need for further communication with Tom the electrician regarding costs of new fixtures, retrofitting old fixtures, and installation. New (LED) lighting is needed in the three areas- main library, back room (stacks) and the basement.

New business: Ellen announced that Leah Cummings will be the new employee to help on some weekends and as needed.

Ellen said the library will be closed on Columbus Day and suggested that holiday closing be added to the bylaws.

Patty announced that Brooks and Janet no longer wish to organize (and produce) the plant sale. This is a popular (and lucrative) event in conjunction with the book sales, and it was decided we need to keep this going with a new organizer.

Nola reminded us we will need to be thinking of a new trustee for March 2018.

Regarding the budget- We will need to increase budget for fuel and supplies. We anticipate a lower electric bill following installation of LED fixtures. The issue of salaries was discussed.

We adjourned the meeting at 7:20PM. Next meeting will be October 3rd 2018.

Respectfully submitted, Sandy Wadlington, Secretary