Brown Memorial Library Trustees Meeting Minutes 03.06.19

Attendance:  Connie Scheffy, Patty Furness, Jason Grey, Annette Leonas, Ellen Barselle, Seth Benowitz, Devin Pendleton, and Nola Jordan.

  1. Board briefly discussed previous month’s secretary report.  Motion was made and accepted for secretary’s report.
  2. Treasurer’s report was discussed.  Nothing out of the ordinary. Motion was made for treasurer’s report to be accepted.
  3. Library patronage and collection use was discussed.  Numbers are in line with previous years. Patronage a little lower due to inclement weather days.

Old Business:

  1. LED lights, phase one, has been completed.  The new lights have proved much brighter and are better illuminating the library.  Phase II: the lights will be moved in direction of the flow of the book shelves.  Labor costs may be a bit higher due to the nature of the project.  Start of project within the stacks wing will be within the next several weeks.  Much thanks to Paul Flinkstrom and Seth Benowitz for their work and help on this project.

New Business:

  1. Discussed upcoming program dates.  3/16: Pet first aid with Laurie Farrell from 12:00-3:00pm. 3/27: Pajama party from 6:00-7:00pm.  3/30: Russian Faberge eggs with Marina Forbes from 12:00-3:00pm. 4/18: Porcupine program with Ann Eldridge at 7:00pm.  4/20: Easter Egg Hunt at 11:00am. Easter day, 4/21/19, the library will be closed.
  2. Discussed summer reading program.  One person, Simon Brooks, has been scheduled.  He is a local storyteller.  He will be coming on 7/22 at 2:00pm.  Discussed cost of some other performers and the need to keep program costs down. 
  3. Ellen has requested that the board to consider changing the hours of the library to start in June 2019.  Statistics over the past ten months have been recorded.  Numbers are very low for patrons using the library during the week after 6:00pm and low on Sunday.  Ellen has suggested the library have the hours of:  Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10:00-6:00pm.  Saturday from 9:00-1:00pm. And for the library to be closed on Sundays.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:00pm.  Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 3rd at 6:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Connie Scheffy