Brown Memorial Library Trustees Meeting Minutes 05.01.19

Brown Memorial Library Minutes        May 1st, 2019

In attendance: Annette Leonas, Seth Benowitz, Laurie Farrell, Patty Furness, Ellen Barselle, Devin Pendleton, Sandy Wadlington

Meeting was called to order at 6:05PM

Minutes from the April meeting were voted on and accepted.

Treasurer’s Report:

On par with last year, but there may be a shortage of 3 thousand dollars due to rising costs for 2019 and we will need to address the issue of funding while being careful for the remainder of 2019.

Ellen reminded us there is no budget for special programming (which includes computers, among other things). We decided we need to add “Programs” to our budget for 2020.

Treasurer’s report was voted on and accepted.

Librarian’s Report:

Both specials events (Easter Egg hunt, and a  talk on porcupines) were very well attended (85 and 45, respectively), and the Monday morning story time is also well attended.

Old business:

Seth reported the lighting project is more than half done. New fixtures needed for back room and kitchen. There are new lights in the basement and six more are needed, which Paul Flinkstrom will install.

Ellen mentioned the light in the basement anteroom needs replacing and Seth said he and Paul will try and do before May 25th (the date of the book/plant sale).

We all await our next electric bill which should reflect the lower costs due to the switch to LED lighting.

New business:

Plant/Book sale May 25th. Patty will confirm if Janet (previous organizer) will be involved this year. We worked out the hours we will be covering during the sale.

Hours: We discussed the Library hours. They will still be at a weekly total of 28, but the days and times were discussed. After keeping a tally of popular times, as well as asking patrons their preferences, the following hours were suggested:

                                                   10AM to 6PM Monday and Friday

                                                   11AM to 7PM Wednesday

                                                   9AM to 1PM Saturday

These hours were voted on and accepted and will be effective June 1st, 2019.

Signage was discussed and Ellen will ask Roberge Signs about costs of re-doing the front sign. Meanwhile more notices of hours will be posted at library. 

There was a discussion about whether or not to do a float for the 4th of July parade this year.

Meeting was adjourned 6:55PM