Brown Memorial Library Trustees Minutes 11.06.19

Present: Ellen Barselle, Seth Benowitz, Patty Furness, Annette Leonis, and Devin Pendleton.

Secretary’s Draft Report: The draft minutes of 10/02/2019 were reviewed, A motion was made by Annette to accept the report as read, Seth seconded, and the draft minutes were unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Annette presented the revenue and expenditure report for October 2019, and expressed appreciation to the Bradford community for their continued generosity in donations this year. A motion was made by Seth to accept October donations, seconded by Patty, and unanimously approved. The new interior painting has been paid from the Maintenance Fund, and we should be able to meet expenses for the remainder of the year. A motion was made by Devin to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Seth, and unanimously approved. Annette was commended for her treasurer skills; our CDs are earning appreciably more interest since she reinvested them at a higher rate.

Librarian’s Report: Ellen reported a surge in program attendees in October due to Halloween and heavily attended special programs. Inter library loan numbers are up since the system has been able to be accessed by computer entries again.

Interior Painting: Ben Ainslie and Son General Contracting recently completed repainting the library walls over two days and did an outstanding job! Ben noted that there appears to be a leak in the NE corner of the roof, and suggested that the flashing be checked by a roofing contractor.

Exterior Doors: Ellen got an estimate for replacement of the insulated basement door and the wooden front door from Lumber Barn. The doors have been ordered, and will be in within the week. We are now trying to find someone to install them, and have several leads.

Carpeting: The library carpet is showing the wear of the past many years, and will need to be replaced sometime in the future. Patty will visit Biron’s Flooring in Newport to get a rough estimate of the cost.

BML Movie Events: Ellen reported she renewed our membership in the Motion Picture Licensing Corporation, which allows the library to screen movies to patrons. She presented some delightful ideas such as a pizza and movie after school party.

Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule: Ellen requested that we consider being open on Thanksgiving eve (Wednesday) and closed the day after (Friday). After discussion, a motion was made by Annette to be open Wednesday November 27, 11am-7pm and be closed Friday November 29, 2019. The motion was seconded by Devin, and unanimously approved. Policy changes will be made at a later date.

With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:25 pm. The next meeting will be Wednesday December 4, 2019, 6pm at Brown Memorial Library.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Furness