Budget Committee Agenda 02.05.13


AGENDA for February 5, 2013 @ 6:30pm — Location Bradford Community Center

1. Call to order & roll call
2. Review and consideration of minutes of January 30, 2013
3. Bond/Note presentations and discussion
4. Operating Budget issues
5.  Warrant Articles to be resolved

Item Selectmen Budget Committee Vote

4210 Police Dept cruiser $35,240 $____________ ______

highway sign $______ $____________ ______

4220Fire Dept. air scrubbers $______$____________ ______

4194 Gen. Bldgs-Community Bldg. $_______ $_____________ ______

6. Any other Committee matters in line for discussion
7. Public input and comments
8. Schedule for next meeting Friday February 8,2013 at 6pm: hearing at 7:00pm
9. Adjournment