Budget Committee Minutes 01.05.12

JANUARY 5, 2012

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Dick Keller, Chair called the meeting to order at 6:30pm with Beth Rodd, Don Jackson, Gary Wall, George Cilley, Jon Marden, Jack Meaney, Selectmen’s Representative, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Motion was made by Gary Wall to approve the minutes of December 22, 2011. Seconded by Don Jackson. Motion carried 7-0.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator stated that in the Selectmen’s Minutes, it was reiterated that she had an open invitation to attend all Budget Committee meetings. Cheryl Behr also stated that you do not invite someone to a public meeting, but she is here if you need her assistance, to answer questions. If I’m not requested here, I will go home stated Cheryl, but you do have to ask me for this information as I’m the keeper of these records.

What Cheryl Behr, Administrator is looking for is if she is officially being requested to attend these meetings.

Motion was made by Jon Marden to officially request Cheryl Behr, Administrator’s presence at tonight’s meeting and we will excuse her when we have finished. Beth Rodd seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator handed out a list of the Capital Reserve Funds with their value as of December 31, 2011 from Everett Kittredge. Also a letter from the Bradford Conservation Commission was distributed regarding their budget, explaining that a bill had come in for $210.00 which was to be paid in April 2012 had been paid in error showing an overage on their 2011 budget.

Budget Reviews and Recommendations:

4150                Financial Administration                                                $ 90,261.00

Motion was made by Jon Marden and Seconded by Beth Rodd to approve the Financial Administration Budget.

Motion to amend the amount to $91,261.00 was made by Dick Keller. No second, No Vote

Motion was made by Beth Rodd to Table the Financial Administration for further information. Motion seconded by Jon Marden. Motion carried 7-0.

Someone from the Budget Committee will be delegated to meet with Cheryl to go over wage issues. Dick Keller, Chair will set a date with Cheryl Behr, Administrator.

4155                Employee Benefits

Health Insurance was questioned, and Jack Meaney advised it will be decided at the next Selectmen’s Meeting on January 17, 2012, after talking with LGC and the Employees.

Gary Wall stated that in the private sector, the normal procedure is that Managers/Owners make the decisions, not the employees.

Jack Meaney, Selectmen’s Representative advised they are doing it in a way that is fair to the employees as well as to save the town money.

Jon Marden questioned the amount in payback and why is the full premium amount of Health Insurance budgeted. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised that is the way the CPA set it up.

4194                General Govt. Bldg:                                                      $ 58, 097.00

Motion was made by John Marden, seconded by George Cilley to approve the General Gov’t Bldg.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the Town Hall water has been drained, antifreeze put in lines, electricity shut off and heat is off. Beth Rodd stated that to shut everything off in the Town Hall and walk away is a big mistake, and the $20,000 should be left in line item #4300.

Eliminating $20,000.00 and changing the wage increase from 3.6% to 1%. was explained for the new figure.

Motion made by Jon Marden to amend Repairs and Maintenance #4300 to strike the $20,000.00. Seconded by Don Jackson.

Jon Marden withdrew his motion, Don Jackson withdrew his second.

Motion was made by Gary Wall to change the figure in line item #4300 from $20,000 to $10,000, seconded by Jack Meaney, Selectmen’s Representative. Jon Marden voted no. Motion carried 6-1.

4195    Cemeteries

No final numbers as yet, Selectmen will decide at their next meeting, January 17, 2012.

4210 Police Dept.                                $315,163.00

Motion was made by Jon Marden to reconsider the Police Budget. Seconded by George Cilley. Discussion to reduce the budget by reducing the 3.6% pay increase and increasing it by 1%.

Take $7,000 out of the Secretaries line, and $2,000. out of gas and oil.

In reply to a comment that the Police Chief should be here at this meeting was replied to by Dick Keller, who advised that he called the Police Station and a person by the name of Chris stated he would let the Chief know of tonight’s meeting regarding their budget.

Motion was made by Don Jackson, Seconded by Jon Marden  to amend the motion to put the $2000 for fuel back into the budget, for an amended amount of $302,903.

No Votes                                                          Yes Votes

Beth Rodd                                                        George Cilley

Jon Marden                                                     Don Jackson

Gary Wall                                                          Dick Keller

Jack Meaney

Motion defeated 4 – 3

Gary Wall presented a copy of the Intertown Record stating New London is cutting back their Highway Department employees.

Sue Pehrson, Town Clerk/Tax Collector reminded the Budget Committee that even though she is salaried, several years ago at town meeting it was voted in that when town employees get a raise, so will she.

Jon Marden advised the Bradford Town Employee Manual states that raises are to be given on Merit, not across the board, which is specifically stated.

4191          Planning and Zoning                                                                  $ 8,450.00

Postage and Secretary wages were not correct. Line Item # 6200 Zoning Secretary should be eliminated.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to table this budget until it can be corrected. Seconded by Beth Rodd. Carried 7-0.

4196          Insurances                                                                                $76,700.00

Motion was made by Beth Rodd to reconsider this item from $81,000. to $76,700.00. Seconded by Jon Marden. Motion carried 7-0.

4445          Welfare Payments                                                                     $ 35,555.00

Motion to reconsider Welfare Payments made by Dick Keller, Chair. Jack Meaney seconded.  Motion carried 7-0.

4589          Community Center                                                                    $ 31,300.00

This was voted on at the December 22, 2011 meeting.

Any other business to come before the Board:

4619                      Other Conservation                                                      $ 580.00

Cheryl Behr, Administrator discussed the letter to the Budget Committee from the Bradford Conservation Commission. A bill in the amount of $210.00 that was payable in April 2012 was inadvertently sent out and paid in October, 2011, consequently making their budget look to be overspent for 2011.

Motion was made by Jon Marden to reduce the Other Conservation budget from $790.00 to $580.00 taking into consideration the $210.00 that has already been paid. Seconded by Gary Wall. Motion carried 6-1, Dick Keller, Chair opposed.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the Selectmen have not gone over Warrant Articles.

Discussion ensued concerning a new grader that Cheryl Behr, Administrator brought up. A Grant has been submitted with EPA Diesel for $68,000. There is $30,000 left from funds to repair the old grader, there would be a $25,000 trade in, with the final cost of a new grader being pretty cheap for a five year lease at about $35,000 annually. This is presented as something for the Budget Committee to think about as it will be a Warrant Article per Cheryl Behr, Administrator. This is a matching Grant.

Conversations ensued between the public and Budget Committee.

Next meeting is scheduled for: Thursday, January 12, 2012 at 6:30pm

Meeting Adjourned 8:50pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley, Secretary