Budget Committee Minutes 11.17.11

NOVEMBER 17, 2011

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Dick Keller, Chair called the Budget Committee to order at 6:00pm in the Community Center with Gary Wall, George Cilley, Don Jackson, Jon Marden and Marge Cilley Secretary present. Also attending the meeting were Selectmen Harry Wright, Chair, Barry Wheeler and Cheryl Behr, Administrator. Jack Meaney, Selectmen Representative was absent

Review and Consideration of November 10, 2011 Minutes:

Motion was made by Jon Marden to approve the minutes, seconded by Gary Wall.

Dick Keller noted on page one, bottom of the page under Motion the vote should be: Motion carried 4-1. Jack Meaney, Selectmen Representative voted No. Also, on page 3, 3rd paragraph up from the bottom, second sentence: “This shows how the State Budget gets balanced,” add: also shows the fact the town can be expecting less funds in 2012/2013. Motion to approve with amendments carried 6-0.

Discussion of 2012 Budget projections with the Board of Selectmen:

Dick Keller, Chair handed out charts for the Budget and CIP limits. Dick advised in order to keep the zero total in the budget between 2012 and 2011 we would have to reduce the operating budget considerably to be able to keep the CIP and Capital Reserve items moved into the proper position where they were left out last year. In 2011, the operating budget proposed was 2,046,000, in the past it was 2,007,000. which is up 7.8% over 2010. Large Articles proposed were 562,000, past was 248,700. which is a considerable reduction. As a result of that, most of the Capital Reserve items were eliminated and we lost about a year in trying to move the CIP items ahead.

Dick Keller, Chair advised what he is proposing in this study, was to include:

$25,000.00      in Capital Reserve for Highway Equipment

$21,775.00      Fire Department for the radio equipment

$ 8,000.00       Rescue for Auto Pulse

$ 25,000.00     Police Dept. to replace Cruiser

$20,000.00      Repairs to town buildings

$ 5,000.00       Sand & Fuel

$120,000.00    Including $80,000.00 to complete East Main Street and $40,000.00 for  Highway purposes.

This brings the bottom line slightly over last years total budget by .08%.

2010 plus 3% gives an operating budget of $111,062.00, down from the $117,953.00 the Selectmen have approved on the Executive Budget.

4140    Election, Registration & Vital Statistics

Revaluation $25,555.00 – Budget is looking for Warrant Article for Revaluation: Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised: The $25,555.00 includes the Timber Monitor including and correcting the maps, which are done Annually. The $25,000 is separate in the office for assessing and is separate from the re-certification which has to be done every 5 years. A re-certification total is about $50,000.00. In reply to a question, Cheryl Behr advised there is no chance or reducing this as the software also went up again this year.

4194                    General Govt. Bldgs

Is up to $53,263.00. $39,982 in 2010 and adding 3%, that would equal $41,000.00. How critical is $53,263.00. Cheryl Behr, Administrator  advised this is for maintenance repairs in this line item. The fuel oil is for all buildings, the electricity is also reduced, not using the town hall and the cleaning person is now cleaning the Community Center. The Community Center uses propane. This is still open, and the Selectmen are working on it.

4195                    Cemetery

There is no budget ready yet. Is in the process of going out to bid.

4196 Insurance

$81,000.00 includes workers comp., unemployment. Property liability has increased from $800.00 several years ago and is closer to $4,000.00 this year per Cheryl Behr, Administrator. Cheryl also advised there is a 6% Cap per year for Property Liability coverage.

4199                  Other General Govt.

No budget item yet.

4210 Police Dept.

2010 was $289,500.00. The Selectmen have approved the budget with the 3.6% increase for a total of $312,601.67. Dick Keller, Chair advised the 2010 amount plus 3.6% comes out to $298,195.00 and Cheryl Behr advised another person was added in 2011 from the Cops Grant which (is reimbursed for the first three years) means $42,781.00. The Cops Grant will reimburse the town $42,781.00 for the 40 scheduled hours, and not including equipment used, uniforms etc. per Policeman Ed Shaughnessy. Being the first the Budget Committee has seen, they will take a little more time to digest.

4220                Fire Dept.

The Fire Department has a reduced budget and the Selectmen have Approved at $59,250.00.

4225                Rescue.

No budget received as yet.

4240                  Building Dept.

Cost to tear down Sanborn property $18, 0000 to $20,000 is in as Line item, entered as a tax lien. Total amount set at $30,625 as the Selectmen are discussing picking up a Commercial Building Inspector per Cheryl Behr, Administrator.  Inspector is included. Budget Committee does not have this yet.

Asbestos inspection has been done to the Sanborn property and there is considerable there.

4290 Emergency Management

$500.00 kept there. Bruce Edwards, gets reimbursed directly from most activities he attends per Cheryl Behr, Administrator.

4312                Highway Department

2010 it was $383,064 and 2011 $446,964. 2010 plus 3% is $394,556. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the 2011 Budget is different then was voted at town meeting, which was $403,225. The Selectmen are still working on this budget hopefully at the next Selectmen’s meeting.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she had met with someone from Central New Hampshire Regional Planning and because we have the TE Grant for sidewalks, they are going to come out and install some software for road surface maintenance work onto the town computer. They will do all the leg work evaluating the roads and the software provides two or three alternatives for every road as far as maintenance, cost as to repair, rehabilitate or reconstruct. This advises of cost, and priority based on traffic count. This will be at no cost to the town, and even includes culvert conditions. Hopefully this will start at the first of the year. The town does pay annual dues to CNHRPC.

4313                Bridges

Bement Bridge, keep $100.00 there.

4316                Street Lighting


4323                  Solid Waste Collection

No budget yet

4324                  Solid Waste Disposal

No budget yet

4415                Innoculations

No budget yet

4441                Welfare

No budget yet

4445                Welfare Payments

No budget yet

4520            Parks & Rec

No budget yet

4550            Library

$63,360. No questions.

4583            Patriotic Purposes

No budget yet

4589            Community Center

No budget yet. Cheryl Behr advised there are substantial repairs needed. No plans to re-establish a director at this time.

4619            Other Conservation

No items

4711          Long Term Notes

$31,880. Cheryl Behr advised this was not paid off, but this is the actual figure for the next 5 years. Explanation for the different figure was the first payment wasn’t due til later in the year, thus making the difference. Cheryl will check on the % on the note to see if it can be lowered, and discuss if it could be reduced in a Warrant Article.

4723          Interest on Tan Notes

Cheryl Behr advised she would hesitate changing this to a lower amount.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator questioned how could she consider having any assistance if the Administrative budget gets cut $6,000? Discussion ensued.

Jon Marden handed out sheets “Calculating the tax cap in a town with an annual meeting”, which were provided by LGC.

Gary Wall questioned if the committee could receive a list of what has been spent and what is left in the departments by two weeks. Cheryl Behr, Administrator said yes, they could be made available.

It was also questioned if in the Budget requests from different departments next year; could they give a more detailed explanation of what the line includes? This would save a lot of questions from the budget committee, as well as eliminating misunderstanding.

Dick Keller expressed appreciation to Harry Wright and Barry Wheeler, Selectmen who attended this meeting.

It was noted that the PSNH delivery increase is 4%.

Public Input:

Ed Shaughnessy from the Police Department defended the 3.6% salary increase. with reasons why employees should receive it. Question was asked why

The next meeting is scheduled for: Thursday, December 1, 2011 at 6:00pm.

There will be a retirement party for Dick Moore, who has been employed by the town for 38 years, on Saturday, December 10, 2011 from 10 to 12 noon at the Appleseed Restaurant.

Meeting adjourned 7:50pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley