Budget Committee Minutes 5.5.16





MAY 5, 2016


Meeting called to order at 6:30pm by Beth Downs.

Members Present

Beth Downs; Dick Keller; Chris Mock; Kathy Rodgers; Michael James, Dave Nunnally; Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator; John Pfeifle, Selectman (arrived 6:57pm)


Review and Consideration of Minutes

Motion made to approve minutes of February 4, 2016 with the following change: “item 16” to be inserted in paragraph 4. Paragraph 4 to read – “Warrant Article Five: Discussion moved to the Highway Department line item 16 increase from $505,000…..”


Conflict of Interest/ Code of Conduct:

The Committee reviewed and discussed whether or not conflict of interest and code of conduct statements were appropriate for this committee to sign. The Committee also discussed the Right to Know RSA. The Committee discussed adding structure to the budget process and budget presentations by department heads as a means to facilitate positive and productive discussion (and reduce negative interactions). Suggestions included a presentation outline, having only department heads speak on behalf of their budgets and time limits for presentations. It was also suggested that the Budget Committee give department heads a list of questions before hand to keep the meeting on track.

Motion to develop structured process for Budget presentation from Dave Nunnally, seconded by Michael James, Vote 7-0. Beth Downs  and Dave Nunnally will draft.



Beth Downs served as Chair last spring. Motion to re-elect Beth Downs as Chair made by Dave Nunnally, seconded by John Pfeifle, Vote 6-0


RSA-32 Budget Law

This RSA talks about responsibilities for the Budget Committee, Karen Hambleton will send RSA-32 to all members of the Board.


Review/discussion of 1st quarter number:

  1. Executive: Extra funds were spent while Karen and Cheryl were transitioning Karen into Town Administrator.
  2. Election, Registration & Vital Statistics: Still two elections remaining: Primary and National.
  3. Financial Administration: No questions or concerns
  4. Revaluation of Property: within budget, no questions or concerns
  5. Legal: Expenses have gone towards issues with Wilcox on Rt.114 and pending PSNH legislation.
  6. Planning & Zoning: Within budget, no questions or concerns
  7. Gen. Govt. Bldgs: $30,000.00 to be used for repairs in the Town Hall. Karen will look into Gen Gov – Contract-Services.
  8. Cemetery: Within budget, no questions or concerns
  9. Insurances: This year the town saved on insurances
  10. Other General Govt.: Within budget and no questions or concerns
  11. Police Dept: Within budget, no questions or concerns
  12. Fire Dept: Within budget, no questions or concerns
  13. Rescue Squad: Still waiting on bill from Henniker
  14. Building Dept: Within budget, no questions or concerns
  15. Highway Dept: Within budget, no questions or concerns
  16. Remaining budget lines all within budget, no questions or concerns


Overall, John Pfeifle expressed how is was impressed with the budget



Purchased through Goffstown was $15/yard, now through local procurement it is approximately $8.00. This new price did not include labor, fuel and equipment for Town employees and vehicles to move the product.



The CIP is a guide for developing the budget and can be found online under Planning. Kathy Rodgers is going to set up and help train Board members on how to use the Google Drive (this will be a centralized place to keep information).


Asset Management:

Kathy would like to ask department heads to list equipment and capital projects: what they currently have and what would they need in the future. It was suggested that this be run with one department as a pilot.Budget Committee meeting to begin exploring asset/heavy equipment inventory management is scheduled for Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 6:30pm at BACC.


Budget Committee meeting to review 2nd quarter is scheduled for Thursday, July 21, 2016 at 6:30pm at BACC.


As there was no further business to come before the Committee, meeting adjourned at 8:31 pm.


Minutes submitted by Molly Hopkins.