Budget Committee Minutes 10.13.10

OCTOBER 13, 2010

Call to Order and Roll Call

Gary Wall, Chair called the meeting to order at 6:30pm with George Cilley, Beth Rodd, Chris Aiken, Don Jackson, Dick Keller, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator spoke on the proposed 5% decrease from last year’s budget.

Long term notes cannot be adjusted that way. Property Liability and Worker’s Comp. will probably go up. This year TANN notes – There is a procedural deficiency with Lake Todd Village District paper work with the Department of Revenue and this is holding up the tax rate. Lake Todd Association will have to hold another meeting, to re-accept their budget, then it will have to go back to the Dept. of Revenue. Our cash flow is down to nothing. Bradford gets authorization from DRA prior to sending out their Tax Bills.

4130    Executive:

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised there has not been an increase in pay, But hours have been increased, including the Secretary and payroll clerk. Also computers are marginal as they are old. This will increase the Selectmen’s budget by 13% over last year’s budget, or another $13,000.

4152    Revaluation:

Reviewing – Data Collector back for an increase of about $2,000

4153 Legal:

Estimated up from $15,000 to $20,000

4194    General Govt. Bldgs:

Should be able to hold steady.

4196    Insurance:

Anticipated about $3,000 increase

4199    Other General Govt.

For some reason there has been Sanitation increase this year.

4240    Building

No change

4290    Emergency Mgt.:

Money has not been received from Plottner, showing ($853.60) now.

Could probably hold at $500

4316    Street Lights

4415    Inoculations:

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she has checked into the Liability Insurance to increase the deductible to $10,000 the bill would be reduced by $600.00. By increasing the deductible to $5,000, the bill would be reduced by $400.00.

The computers were discussed at length, one being a 2002 and the other one needing replacement is a 2004. Software is the most expensive part of the requirement per Cheryl Behr, Administrator, and these do need to be programs compatible with other computers.

Dick Keller questioned if the Zoning Board of Adjustment will continue to be with 4191- Planning Board. Cheryl advised it has been in the past. Dick pointed out that the Planning Board could live with the 5% reduction, but that does not take into consideration the ZBA at that point. Cheryl Behr, Administrator felt they could live with the overall 5% decrease.

Gary Wall, Chair thanked Cheryl for coming in and her input.

Mention was made that Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief and Richard Branch, Rescue Squad are out of town, but Gary Wall, Chair has been in touch with them. Mark Goldberg expressed another interest in the Budget Committee to come to the Fire Dept. so a walk through could be done to show what is going on pertaining to the Budget. Gary Wall, Chair questioned the board as to what they would like to do, and advised him that it would be a public meeting.

Don Jackson suggested that Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief come to the Budget Committee first, and then set a date to visit the station. Beth Rodd advised the question is what affect would the 5% reduction in the Fire Dept. budget have, and Mark would be able to tell the Budget Committee at their meeting. Dick Keller and George Cilley concurred with the board members.

Gary Wall will get in touch with Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief and advise him the wishes of the Budget Committee, for him to meet with them as Department Head first prior to visiting the fire station.

Richard Branch is out of town, and Gary Wall is in communication with him via telephone calls, but they have not made a connection as yet as to when he could come in.

Don Jackson suggested a visit to the Fire Station would be more in line for the members of the CIP, since they are talking Capital as opposed to Operating which is the concern with the Budget Committee.

Chris Aiken stated that it is obvious the Fire Chief wants the Budget Committee at the Fire Station. Don Jackson questioned Chris about what the reason is and Chris advised they would need to talk with Mark Goldberg. Chris advised Mark has made more of an effort than some of the Department Heads to make contact, such as the Transfer Station that is not showing up. Gary Wall advised that those that have not come have contacted the Budget Committee and are out of town and will make arrangements when return.

(A note from Jane Lucas sent a note of apology for not attending the meeting, she thought it was to be the following night. Jane advised: “I would like Gary Wall to know I think we can put the budget for Patriotic Purposes at $350. This will include the Veteran’s Flags, Markers and larger flags for Town Hall and Sunny Plain’s flag poles. Flags are ordered where they get an almost 40% savings for a regular flag store.”

Gary Wall, Chair listed the Departments that have reported in as being:

Community Center                    Highway Dept.             Library
Planning Board             Police Dept.                             Cemetery
Selectmen                                 Patriotic Purposes

Those that have not reported in to the Budget Committee as yet are:

Conservation Comm.                Rescue Squad                          Fire Dept.
Town Clerk                              Transfer Station                        ZBA

Beth Rodd will contact the above Department Heads to set up a date to be heard by the Budget Committee, with the exception of the Fire Dept. and Rescue who Gary Wall is already in contact with.

Don Jackson suggested forwarding a letter to the Selectmen stating these Department Heads have not responded. Dick Keller concurred with this suggestion.

Motion was made by Beth Rodd to write a letter to the Selectmen pertaining to the Department Heads who have not met with the Budget Committee at this point and the Budget Committee will call them individually again. Seconded by Dick Keller.

Motion carried 6-0.

The Secretary will forward the letters to the Welfare Dept. who inadvertently had been omitted.

Beth Rodd questioned if this Board has ever considered the economic effect of having more regional services, Fire, Rescue, Police? Gary Wall suggested that to get this in motion, it would have to come from Planning and the Selectmen as well as a private group.

Motion was made by Beth Rodd for the Budget Committee to make some initial steps into the feasibility of regionalizing certain services and presenting the idea to the Selectmen. Dick Keller seconded. Motion carried 5-1. Chris Aiken opposed.

This will be done in the form of a letter written by Don Jackson.

At this time the 3rd quarter budget was gone over.

4130                Executive

Part Time Wages (4,918.80)                ?
Mileage ( 336.70)                     ?

4152                Revaluation

Made up of Warrant Article and Annual

4220                Fire

Expense of the Pump Truck -Paid Off ?

4225                Rescue                                                 ?

Supplies                                               ?

4312                Highway Dept.

Many Negatives                                   ?

4324                Transfer Station Disposal          ?

Gary Wall, Chair suggested the Budget Committee gets together with Cheryl Behr, Administrator for explanations of the questions on above Departments.

Also discussion ensued regarding the Highway Dept. and their current budget.

Jon Marden, a concerned citizen came before the Budget Committee and presented a “Presentation to Bradford Budget Committee dated October 14, 2010 with Observations & Trends. Also included was a handout that Mr. Marden had prepared showing Wages by Department for years 2007 through 2009. On page two, Jon has broken down expenses taken directly from the previous town reports and shows the percentages of increases and decreases in the budget. It was pointed out that over a three year period, adding all the increases and compounding them, there is a 26.5% increase.

Jon Marden suggested the Budget Committee might look closer at the detail budget for each department, there being a lot in there to look at, and a lot of trends can be seen.

Another topic is Telephone Bills by Departments, which was taken from the Town Reports for three years running. Question: How can the Police Dept. spend almost $3,500 in a year for telephone? There is a separate line item for dispatch, a separate line item for pagers. This is for two land lines in the Police Dept. This is excessive.

Questioned was why is the Fire Dept. telephone bill higher than the Selectmen’s office, and they are seldom there?

Jon Marden encouraged the Budget Committee to go through line items in detail for heavy spender’s budget wise, and spread departments amongst members for details.

A Tax Rate Breakdown was discussed with a breakdown between 2006 and 2009 and the population which has gone up 2%. Jon pointed out that there is no growth anywhere except in our budgets.

An excerpt from last years Police Budget was presented and discussed.

Some items get purchased that the town should decide on when there is a surplus, such as Office Furniture for $7,726.55 which was paid on December 28, 2009. If that money had not been spent, it would have been folded into the “unexpended fund balance”, which we use to offset some Warrant Articles, cash reserve in case a catastrophe comes along and it gets used up without the town’s input.

Jon Marden pointed out that in the last five calendar days of the year 2009, the Police Department spent approximately $18,000.00. This is not saying anyone is walking away with money, question is, is our money being spent wisely? And is the town being given a choice when there is an excess. Jon Marden questioned if some of the Department Heads are qualified to maintain a budget. If they do not have good budget skills, then they should be assisted by someone that does.

It was suggested by Jon Marden that a purchasing agent is needed in town, whether it be an employee, a consultant or somebody to manage purchases for the town.

Jon also made the comment that on top of coming up with a line item amount for each department, don’t forget there is still the Warrant wild card. Some years, the Warrant’s have added significant amounts on top of that. In 2007, the Warrant put on 33% on top of the town’s operating budget. It was suggested that the town’s people need a little more guidance, and this committee needs to take over that part more than the Selectmen.

Town employee benefits were discussed including insurance.

Don Jackson stated that Jon Marden has come up with a lot of good points and has made the Budget Committee more alert and responsive, to which the board was in agreement, and thanked Jon for his efforts.

It was discussed, and agreed upon that all Department Heads should attend Town Meeting.

Jon Marden advised he would come in to see the Budget Committee again before year end.

Nest Meeting is scheduled for: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 at 7:00pm

Motion was made by Don Jackson for the Budget Committee budget line item set at $900.00 total: The account number and heading to be determined with conferencing with the Selectmen. Supplies $100 and Part Time Wages $800.00. Chris seconded. Motion carried 6-0.

The Secretary will contact the Welfare Dept. who was inadvertently omitted from the list of the Department Heads to come in to the Budget Committee and invite them to the meeting on the 27th.

Motion was made by Chris Aiken and seconded by Beth Rodd to adjourn at 8:30pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley