Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Minutes 09.06.23

Members Present: Carol Troy, Chair, Pam Bruss, Mel Pfeifle, Caleb Connor, Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator

Members Absent: Justin Dohrn

Meeting was called to order at 6:00pm

Review and consideration of the August 16, 2023 minutes

Motion to accept: Karen Hambleton

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 5-0 in favor

Pam reviewed the spreadsheet to reflect the department head requests at the previous meeting. Pam described how she moved a few items around to keep the tax impact close to what was promised. One item completely taken off and removed from the CIP was the Masonic Hall request. She suggested that the plan should be to fundraise to pay for this. The group discussed how to put savings in place for the future of the Masonic building. Pam will add a small savings amount (possibly $5,000) every year or alternating years.

Pam also discussed the requests of the Highway Department, several of which had requested items be moved up a year in the plan. Pam explained how moving those items impacted the plan and returned them to their original year. Mel suggested purchasing some of the needed equipment secondhand. Pam explained savings for the roads and bridges funds and how best to implement that. Pam suggested using the additional Highway Block Funding received from NH DOT in 2022 be used for engineering for the West Main Street culvert and not fund the engineering out of the 2019 Roads and Bridges Expendable Trust Fund. Caleb brought up that there is more Highway Block funding for bridges that will be available in the future.

Karen and Pam will clarify the details on the spreadsheet relating to net tax impacts from 2022 and 2023.

Pam brought up the fact that there should be detailed planning for a future Police facility.

Karen will verify limits on block grants.

Pam and Karen discussed clarifying the intents of several capital reserve funds.

Karen will invite department heads to the next meeting on September 20th at 6:00pm

Motion to adjourn: Pam Bruss

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 5-0 in favor

Meeting adjourned at 6:53pm Next scheduled meeting is September 20th at 6:00pm