CIP Minutes 06.17.14



JUNE 17, 2014


Call To Order and Roll Call:

Marcia Keller, Chair opened the meeting with Don Jackson, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Stephanie Alexander, Project Manager, CNHRPC, Mark Goldberg, Fire Dept., Carl Goldberg, Fire Dept., Jim Bibbo arrived at 7:05pm, and Marge Cilley, Secretary, present.

John Pfeifle, Selectmen Representative was absent.

There was not a quorum at this meeting, so no motion can be voted on.

Attendance sheets were handed out and initialized by attendees.

Stephanie Alexander stated that 45 minutes have been allotted for the Fire Department to complete their list of ten Project/Purchase Request Applications.

The Fire Department discussion commenced at 6:15pm., with discussion on each of the following:

1. 41-FD          Replace Breathing Air Compressor and Cascade Cylinders – High Priority and year of 2017 suggested.

2. 42-FD          Replace Driveway: Suggested that perhaps this should be considered under the road paving plan, or considered when the West Main sidewalks are being done.

3. 43-FD          Replace Fire Alarm System and Add Security System:

4. 44-FD          Add to Fire House – Discussion re: checking further with the State of NH regarding using the land in back of the Fire Station, known as the Tall Pines area.

5. 45-FD          Install Floor Drain Capture System. State regulations include this. This is considered high priority and for the year of 2016

10. 50-FD        Purchase and Install Washer/Dryer: This was brought up out of sequence as 45-FD and 50-FD tie in together. Comparison was given re: sending clothes out for cleaning as opposed to being able to do them in house, doing in house less expensive, so sensible. High Priority and 2016 year requested.

6. 46-FD          Replace Furnace Current furnace still working, does not need replacing at present. Listed as High priority, but year of 2020 suggested unless some unforeseen problem arises.

7. 47-FD          Replace 1994 Pumper, 82-M2 Listed as High Priority and year 2015 requested.

8. 49-FD          Number 47-FD and 49-FD are closely related and brought up out of sequence. Replace 1986 Tanker, 82-K1 This piece of equipment is 28 years old. Stability control in newer vehicles was explained. There is a substantial dollars amount in the Capital Reserve. High Priority and year of 2015 was given as desirable.

9. 48-FD          Install Fire Suppression Sprinkler System in Fire House. This was thought to go hand in hand with a new addition to the Fire Station with a date of 2018.

Stephanie Alexander listed the CIP Committee members.

Stephanie advised the voting on the 3rd meeting, June 11, 2014 minutes will be postponed due to lack of a quorum at this meeting, and will be done at the July 15, 2014 meeting.

This meeting, June 17, 2015 concludes all Application Reviews, and all fifty Applications need to be prioritized, systematically and methodically.

Stephanie reiterated the Options that were discussed last week, A, B or C as listed on page 2 of the Agenda, after which some discussion ensued. The Committee will vote on options.

A spread sheet will be presented at the next meeting by Stephanie Alexander with a balance sheet as an end result.

Referring to the last meeting minutes, Don Jackson brought up the previous suggestion of writing an article for the Bradford Bridge stating the progress of the CIP Committee. Marcia Keller will follow up on this for the July Bradford Bridge.

In conjunction with the hand out, Bradford CIP Highway Department Available Traffic Count Data sheet on Bradford Roads, Cheryl Behr advised the local Police Department does have the ability to do a traffic count, perhaps listing other roads of concern in Bradford.

There being no other business, meeting adjourned 7:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
