Conservation Commission Minutes 07.20.10

Date: July 20, 2010
Time: 7pm
Location: Brown Memorial Library

Present:  Meg Fearnley, Brooks McCandlish, J.A. Eldridge. Ed Macleod present.

Due to an extremely rare set of circumstances, a quorum of members was not present.

Secretary’s minutes from June 15 meeting read.

Treasurer’s report: Interest earned. Meg inquired at town offices as to Current Use Change Penalty for 2009 received. A sum of $6500 was reported earned, according to the annual town report. No response as yet.

Correspondence: Merrimack County Conservation District annual meeting held at Musterfield Farm on June 29. Nathanial Bruss was expected to attend, and probably did.

LCHIP  – A fundraising campaign for a conservation easement on the Battles farmland has begun with a coalition of the Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust, the Rural Heritage Connection of Bradford, Inc, and the Conservation Commission. Other grants are also being sought. The Selectmen were notified of the project at their meeting on this date.
Potential for a public trail on the non-agricultural land. It was agreed that the Conservation Commission could do this with volunteer assistance. Abutters will be notified for possible extension.

Natural Resource Inventory:  Bradford Fish and Game Club meets on the first Monday of every month. They would like to hear about the ongoing inventory and would have some input. Next meeting August 2nd.

Liberty Elm Tree: Steve Hanson was told about the possibility of this donation of a 10-14 foot tree. Could be placed near the Bradford Historical Society blacksmith shop. The DAR of Warner would like to take part in a ceremony in conjunction with their 100th anniversary in 2012.  Decision to hold tree planting until that date.

CIP:  Bill Glennie appeared on bicycle with forms. These will be filled out by Nathanial Bruss with assistance of Brooks/Ann before deadline of July 31st.

Bradford Springs Hotel Site: Rick Helprin responded to request for maintenance of the site. Has already done a great job mowing and removing poison ivy. Will do further tree thinning, make trails overlooking good birding sites etc. Signage will be repaired. ASLPT sign replaced.

Meeting adjourned 8:30pm   JA Eldridge