Conservation Commission Committee Minutes 01.15.08


Meeting Minutes


Date: January 15, 2008

Time: 7:30 pm – Town Hall

Present: Perry Teele, Phil LaMoreaux, Andrea LaMoreaux, Ann Eldridge, Amy Blitzer, Brooks McCandlish, Nathaniel Bruss, Meg Fearnley (Quorum met)

Visitor: Beth McGuinn (ASLPT), Bill Glennie (RHC), David and Michele Halstead (RHC), Audrey Sylvester (RHC), Andrew Pinard (Selectman)

I. Previous Meeting Minutes:

a. 12/18/07 meeting minutes were reviewed, minor edits made, moved to accept, seconded, and approved by all.

II. Bog Easement

a. Beth McGuinn (Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust) explained the history of the bog easement, the status of the easement and reviewed the language of the easement with the commission.

b. There was much discussion about the specific citing of uses to be posted against or not against within the language of the easement.

i. Beth asked commission general questions about what the commission would like the general intent of the easement to be and what rights the commission should have.

c. Action Item: Beth will incorporate commission’s comments that ASLPT is comfortable with into a revised easement.

d. Action Item: Beth will look into the forestry easement language.

e. Action Item: The Conservation Commission might want to write a letter to the Wildflower Society.

f. Action Item: ASLPT may be able to help the commission with the Natural Resources Inventory.

III. Housekeeping

a. Committee Membership

i. Action Item: Andrew Pinard (Selectman) will see that Nathaniel’s approval for Conservation Commission membership is brought up at the next selectman’s meeting.

b. New website

i. Andrew Pinard explained that the there is a new website for town information to be posted:

ii. Action Item: Andrea will learn how to post conservation commission meeting minutes on the website.

c. Town inter-department newsletter

i. Action Item: Andrew will see that the Conservation Commission gets receives the inter-department newsletter.

d. Appropriation of funds

i. RSA 36-A explains what the Land Protection Fund can be used for.

ii. RSA 31: 110-113 explains what the Forest Maintenance Fund can be used for.

e. Conservation Commission Handbooks

i. Action Item: The committee voted to buy 5 books.

IV. Project Review

a. Lake Massasecum, 40 French’s Park Road, non-conforming structure

i. ZBA variance request to expand deck.

ii. Project has already gotten DES Shoreland Program approval.

iii. Conservation commission has no comment.

b. Mt. Lake Inn

i. Action Item: Ann would like to meet the new owners to talk about rare species. Amy volunteered to go with Ann.

V. Upcoming projects

a. Natural Resources Inventory

i. Action Item: Will hold a special meeting before our next regular meeting to discuss the plan to update the Natural Resources Inventory.

VI. Treasurer’s Report:

a. $15,000 received from 2007 Current Use Land Change Tax.

b. Action Item: Meg will ask Marilyn to put some of the Land Protection Funds into CDs (approximately $20,000 will be left out)

Meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Andrea LaMoreaux, Secretary