Conservation Commission Minutes 01.21.14

DRAFT Bradford Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes
21 January, 2014, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library
Present: George Beaton, Seth Benowitz, Nathanial Bruss, J Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Scott MacLean, Brooks McCandlish.  Also present Fritz von Beren, representing the Bradford Fish and Game Club.
Secretary’s Report: The meeting minutes of 11/19/13 were accepted as written.  The 12/17/13 meeting was cancelled due to snow.
Treasurer’s Report: Meg reported that the 2013 current use penalty tax has been released from town funds, and that $16,395 has been deposited into the BCC Land Protection Fund.  Also, the Lumber Barn bill has been resolved.  The treasurer’s report was accepted.
Gillingham Drive Property: Fritz von Beren presented a proposal to the BCC regarding a recently auctioned 6.6 acre property on Gillingham Drive in Bradford (Map 2, Lot 111).  This lot, and a proximal 4.59 acre parcel in Newbury, both abut the Bradford Fish and Game clubhouse property.  The BFGC purchased the Newbury parcel to protect from development, but was unable to afford the Bradford one as well.  Fritz stated the land is forested, sloping, and was logged about 30 years ago.  Brooks inquired about the conservation value, and eventual ownership of the property.  There was doubt expressed that it would be of Ausbon Sargent interest.  Meg suggested researching grants which may apply to assist in purchase, such as wildlife or recreational.  Seth offered to contact Gerry Gold about possible grants.  The BCC is supportive in seeking a positive outcome in the success of this project.  A warrant article, passed in 2010, allows the BCC to contribute to a land trust for a conservation project without holding an interest in the property.
Bibbo Subdivision: The variance was approved and the lot was accepted by the Planning Board.
Payson Subdivision: A wetland scientist is needed to map out the property before the owners go forward with this proposal.  Brooks volunteered to speak with Mr. Payson regarding his intent.
Heselton Lot Line Adjustment: This action is not a concern of the BCC; and no comment was submitted.
NH Rivers Management and Protection Program: Seth attended the December Warner Conservation Commission meeting to investigate the possible inclusion of the Warner River into this program.  Bradford would be one of five towns involved in the preliminary information gathering and eventual advisory panel.  Seth emphasized that this program is not a threat to local ordinances; it does not preempt any existing land and zoning laws.  River designation increases public awareness and sense of stewardship, while creating a local planning and management effort centered on the river and its resources.  Seth volunteered to represent Bradford in these initial stages, and Brooks made a motion that Bradford participate in this program.  The motion passed.
Massarone Property: This 60 acre West Road property connects the protected Pearl and Dodge lots, and is currently for sale.  There is conservation interest; however, there appears to be an error on the tax card, so Ann was unsure of the actual value of the property.  The question of build ability was raised, which will be answered by researching if there is a deeded right of way.
2013 Town Report: The report was reviewed and accepted.
Natural Resources Inventory: The synopsis of Chapter 7.5, the Shoreland Protection Act, was submitted to The Bridge for the February issue.
Cost of Community Services: A study has found that residential development is the most costly land use for taxpayers, followed by open space and commercial use.  An informative article on this topic was submitted by Seth for inclusion in the February Bridge.  Thanks Seth!
Wildlife Action Plan: Ann suggested that a brief article with photos relating how the grant was used be written and submitted to the NH Co op Extension.
Ayers Pond Hike: Brooks will be leading a Sunapee-Ragged-Kearsarge Greenway Coalition sponsored 4 mile hike to Ayers Pond on Saturday, 8 Feb.  The hike will begin at Lucasville on Old Washington Mountain Road at 9a.m.  A summit of Moon Mountain may be a part of the adventure if the group desires.  This is a moderate-difficult hike, with an elevation gain of 900 ft.
The meeting adjourned at 8:55pm. The next scheduled meeting is 18 February, 2014, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library.
Respectfully submitted,

Patty Furness, Secretary