Conservation Commission Minutes 02.21.23

Bradford Conservation Commission Secretary’s Draft Report
February 21, 2023, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library
Present: George Beaton, J Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Becca Herman, Brooks McCandlish, and Doug Southard. Also present Libby Webb, representing the Economic Development Committee.
Secretary’s Draft Report: The draft minutes of 1/17/23 were reviewed. George made a motion to accept the report as read. Meg seconded, followed by unanimous approval.
Treasurer’s Report: Meg reported a zero budget balance, and no activity.
Economic Development Committee: Libby Webb expressed interest in developing recreational opportunities in Bradford, especially for families with children. She spoke of hosting a tree hugging event at the Bradford Pines, along with the Parks and Recreation Department. Repair of the Bradford Pines wetland trail boardwalk is needed, in addition to additional trail signage. We also need a small batch of trail maps printed.
Bradford Bog Cedar Regeneration Project: Brooks reported last month’s meeting of this research project team was organizational and dealt with early stages of developing summer field work. The next meeting will be Zoomed on Friday March 10, 2-3pm.
Bradford Bog Forestry Plan: It has been decided to wait on the finalization of the plan until after the UNH cedar research has preliminary results. The Memorandum of Understanding regarding the Bradford Bog and Springs conservation area needs to be signed by local Abenaki representatives and the Bradford Select Board.
Saving Special Places 2023: This annual land conservation conference will take place in person on Saturday April 15, 8:45am-2:45pm in Alton, NH. The virtual Keynote address will be presented by Katherine Hayhoe on Thursday March 30, 12pm-1:30pm. Workshop information and registration is available on the website.
New Hampshire Association of Conservation Commissions Wetland Review: A recent House bill was presented that would permit the State to assume control over local wetland ordinances that protect wetland buffers. Members of state conservation commissions voiced concerns to State legislators in writing and HB 592 was defeated.
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services: Martyn Chivers has been granted an extension to correct the drainage problems which caused erosion into the Warner River on 10/26/22. Also, an extension has been granted by the DES for wetland restoration of property on Map 6/Lot 26 on Center Road.
Planning Board: The Table of Uses in the zoning ordinance has been created to simplify and reduce verbiage, and lists allowable activities within areas. It will be voted on at the next town meeting. Ann noted that on the town website, agriculture is missing under uses, and that the Table does not protect aquifers.
Groundwater Protection: Warner has placed a groundwater protection ordinance on the ballot of their annual town meeting next month. Ann posed if Bradford should be considering this also to protect the aquifer and drinking water resources in areas of town most likely to have future commercial development. This idea is strongly supported by all BCC members present, and will be addressed at future meetings.
Warner River Instream Flow Study Report: A study has been done over the past 3 years by NHDES, and Gomez and Sullivan Engineers on instream flow of the Warner River with the goal of developing a water management plan that meets the criteria for flow patterns for fish species, riparian plants, and recreation. A public informational session and hearing was held in Warner in January and February. Comments will be accepted until 3/24.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:25pm. The next meeting will be held Tuesday March 21, 2023, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library.

Respectfully submitted,
Patty Furness, Secretary