Conservation Commission Minutes 07.20.21

Bradford Conservation Commission Secretary’s Draft Report
July 20, 2021, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library

Present: J Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Brooks McCandlish, and Doug Southard.
Secretary’s Draft Minutes: The draft report of 6/15/21 was amended to reflect the evidence that undeveloped land is less expensive for communities to maintain than developed areas. Brooks made a motion to accept the amended report, Doug seconded, and approval of the draft report was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: A new edition of the NHACC handbook has been printed, and is available for $20. Meg made a motion to order two hard copies of the handbook for the BCC, seconded by Patty, with unanimous consent.
GRANIT: Brooks updated the information on currently conserved land in Bradford and submitted to the GRANIT database manager. Many thanks, Brooks!
Bradford Economic Development Committee: Scott, George and Ann made a list of trails on the BCC trail map that could possibly accommodate greater public use. Ann will notify the EDC of these selected trails. Brooks reinforced that trailhead parking limitations should be a factor in trail listings on the EDC map.
Tall Pines Cleanup: George will make contact with the State re:allowing local groups to begin the cleanup process of this area. The RHC/Boy Scouts have both expressed a desire to enhance this area.
Massasecum Avenue Map 11/Lot 14: A resident contacted Ann regarding an established snowmobile trail on her property on Massasecum Ave. Ann referred her to the NH Snowmobile Association website.
Current Use Land: Brooks explained that current use land may be posted under RSA 79-A. However, property owners who agree to keep their land open for public use qualify for an additional 20% reduction in the property assessment. The SB now has a system for collecting the Current Use Change Penalty, but it must be invoiced within 18 months of the change. There is now a checkbox on the building permit form to remind the assessor to address any change in current use status for a property.
Cost of Community Services: Ann will submit a letter to the editor of the Bridge re: the cost of community services for developed vs. undeveloped land. Meg printed an info-graphic on this topic to post at Bradford town offices.
Alder Plains Rd Map 9/Lot 33: DES investigated complaints about this unpermitted junkyard and sent a letter to the owner of the property. There has been no response as yet.
Bradford Fish and Game, Map 2/Lot 111: DES investigated a prior complaint of past possible alteration of the site on Gillingham Drive. No violation was found.
Breezy Hill Rd, Map 18/Lots 06 and 07: A beach replenishment application was denied by DES. DES will be notified that beach sand had already been installed before the application was submitted.
Map 3/Lot 85: The owner of this 0.6 acre floodplain property at the intersection of Breezy Hill Rd and Rte 103 has contacted the town and BCC to determine any interest in purchasing. However, it is a non-buildable lot.
Easements: Several potential conservation easement properties were discussed.
Bradford Bog White Cedar Regeneration: Brooks will be meeting with Bill Gould, UNH professionals, and representatives of the Nature Conservancy on Wed July 28 at 1pm at the Bog to discuss the prospect of the white cedar regeneration in this location. Mike Andrews has given verbal permission to allow research of this crucial effort to include his abutting property.
E Washington Rd: Land owner reports busy dam-building beavers on his property. He has already invested in an exclusion device, which failed. He would like to co-exist with these furry engineers, but wants to prevent flooding of his driveway. BCC will endorse his application to receive similar funding as we did for our two beaver deceivers if he decides to go that route.
Adopt-A-Road: A motion was made by Brooks to accept the Spring 2021 Class VI Road Report, seconded by Meg and unanimously approved with a round of appreciation expressed to Doug for organizing and compiling. At the suggestion of Doug, a motion was made to have one annual report, beginning summer 2022. Approved by all.

With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:20pm. The next meeting will be held Tuesday, August 17, 2021, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library.
Respectfully Submitted,
Patty Furness, Secretary