Conservation Commission Minutes 08.20.19

8/20/19 at Brown Memorial Library
Bradford Conservation Commission minutes
Present: George Beaton, Meg Fearnley, J. Ann Eldridge, Scot Maclean, Doug Southard, Seth Benowitz Nathanial Bruss

George motioned to accept minutes from 7/16/19. Second Meg. All in favor
No new treasurers report.

Reviewed Class 6 roads
Reviewed existing ordinances from Doug and six recommended actions.

  1. Write/ Strengthen ordinance
  2. Continue use as is
  3. Limit traffic in Mud Season
  4. Limit Heavy Equipment
  5. Designate some or all Class 6 roads as “Emergency Lanes”
  6. Multi-use Signage encouraging non-motorized uses

Meeting in the Minks on Schoolhouse Lane on Sunday at 12:00 with 8 state reps concerned about increased ATV use of roads and trails.

Reviewed DRED 10 forestry plan.
Concerns include, but not limited to; fragmentation, climate change, and invasive species.
Also discussed Sunapee’s Old Growth Forest and its lack of protection.
Meg motioned to grant Ann permission to complete survey. Scott second. Vote unanimous.

Contact town offices re building permit questions.

Thank you, George and others, for trail work.
George talked with Jerry and Skip per Forest Street beaver deceiver.

Looked at complaint form filed concerning unpermitted dock on Lake Todd.

Warner and Cold River will be first two rivers to be in the “In Stream Flow” program.

ASLPT workshop 7:00 Thursday Sept. 12th at the Library.

Discussed problems with possible vehicles driving through river near Fairgrounds Rd.

Discussed Calcium Chloride spreading on dirt roads and decided to inquire with selectmen.

Also, to let the selectmen know that the road trimming damaged apple trees at the Bradford springs hotel site.
Scott made a motion to adjourn. George second. Unanimous vote.
Respectfully Submitted by Nathanial Bruss