Conservation Commission Minutes 10.19.21

Bradford Conservation Commission Secretary’s Draft Report
October 19, 2021, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library
Present: George Beaton, J Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Brooks McCandlish, and Doug Southard.
Secretary’s Draft Minutes: The draft report of 9/21/21 was amended to state the inclusion of the Bradford Fish and Game Club in the consideration of a noise ordinance by the Planning Board. Brooks made a motion to accept the amended draft minutes, Doug seconded, with unanimous approval.
Treasurer’s Report: Meg stated we have $710 remaining in this year’s budget. Doug cautioned against printing any new maps until the needed modifications are done. After much discussion, it was decided to look into replacing the sign at the Bradford Springs site. Doug suggested that we collaborate with the Abenaki Trails Project people for their input to include in the historical narrative, and Ann will contact Sherry Gould. The 2022 budget was also discussed. Meg suggested requesting the same $1000 as last year to be divided between seminars and conferences, trails, education, and land protection. Brooks made a motion, George seconded, and all were in favor.
NH Association of Conservation Commissions Annual Meeting: The NHACC is presenting the annual meeting on Saturday, November 6, 8:30am to 12:40pm via Zoom. Twelve workshops are offered. The registration deadline is 11/04/2021.
2022 Municipal Lake Issues Survey: NH Lakes and NHACC are seeking input from concerned residents on lake and watershed issues. Feedback will help prioritize legislative efforts and lake-friendly public policy for 2022. The deadline for submission is 11/01/2021.
Abandoned Vehicle: The disabled vehicle on Butman Road in the Pearl Town Forest remains. Ann and George will hike in to speak with the owner and request removal from the town forest.
West Road, Map 5, Lot 73: The owner of this parcel recently contacted Ann regarding a deed issue with her land which abuts Pearl Town Forest. Ann referred her to the Town offices.
Code Enforcement Issues: There have been problems with the granting of building permits within wetland buffers and the non-recognition of the state definition of unlicensed junkyards. Ann stressed the need for documentation of discrepancies and keeping track of permits issued in areas of environmental concern.
Conservation: Ann met with Anne Payeur from Ausbon Sargent regarding the Abenaki Trails Project at the Bradford Springs site. The project has been scaled back to the proposal of a boardwalk to the wellhead. This will need DES approval. Anne stated that a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) needs to be written by the owner of the Spring Site (Town/BCC). The MOU will include necessary permits, documentation that the project will not harm the hydrology or any species within the location, or have any undue impact on the site. The project will need to list the plants to be harvested for medicinal/ceremonial purposes, how much and what time of the year this will be done. There will be a limited term of agreement, to be reviewed and possibly renewed. The project is responsible for liability and upkeep. The question arose of who will be responsible for monitoring the project. Anne also stated that MOU needs to be in place before the White Cedar can be harvested for the construction of a canoe. Ann will contact Sherry Gould to inform her of the terms of the MOU. A subcommittee will be formed to deal with this.
Blitzer Trail Work Day: The BCC annual workday/fun-fest will focus on the Blitzer Trail due to George single-handedly doing any necessary board replacement at the Bradford Bog this summer (48 planks replaced!). A date of Saturday 11/27 at 9:00am (rain date 11/28) was set. Ann will put notification in The Bridge for anyone wishing to join in the activity.
Panorama: An abundance of appreciation was expressed to Laurie Farrell for her creation of the hand carved three panel panorama of the view from the Bradford Bog platform tower. This work of art has been installed by George, and is a marvelous aid to identifying the surrounding hills of the Bog. Thank you Laurie!
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:15pm. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday November 16, 2021 7pm at Brown Memorial Library.
Respectfully submitted,
Patty Furness, Secretary