Conservation Commission Minutes 12.18.07



Meeting Minutes: December 18, 2007 (approved by unanimous vote on 1/15/08)

Meeting: 7:30 pm – Town Hall

Present: Phil LaMoreaux, Andrea LaMoreaux, Ann Eldridge, Amy Blitzer, Brooks McCandlish (Quorum met)

Visitor: Nathaniel Bruss

I. Previous Meeting Minutes:

a. November meeting minutes were reviewed, moved to accept, seconded, and approved by all.

II. Housekeeping

a. Committee Membership

i. Ann explained to Nathaniel how committee members operate and the nomination and swearing in process.

ii. Chris Way does not feel that he has adequate time to devote to the committee at this time.

iii. Ann invited Nathaniel to join committee. Nathaniel asked questions about responsibilities and then accepted.

iv. Action Item: Ann will write a letter to selectmen about Nathaniel joining committee in Chris Way’s seat.

III. Treasurer’s Report:

a. Approximately $80 left in budget.

b. Selectmen review of 2008 proposed budget:

i. Selectmen approved dissolution of miscellaneous category.

ii. Selectmen did not approve of $1000 going into land protection.

iii. Selectmen did not approve moving $100 from miscellaneous to trail maintenance.

c. There is approximately $117,000 in land protection fund (from current use land change tax fees collected).

d. Action Item: Research what the land protection fund can specifically be used for.

IV. 2008 Town Meeting

a. Rural Heritage may bring up issue of asking for $100,000 for land protection.

b. Action Item: At an upcoming meeting, the Commission should develop a list of features/attributes of land for protection and an extensive listing of specific properties that qualify. [Future action items would include: sending individual owners of these properties a letter and inviting them to a meeting to discuss land protection options.]

V. Forestry Notifications

a. Mountain Lake Inn lot to be logged.

b. Action Item: Commission should keep an eye on this project as there are wetlands on property and the property contains at least one stream that drains directly into Lake Massasecum.

VI. Project Reviews

a. Deb Diamond, Masters Store Property, Main Street

i. Conservation Commission has no comment. No natural resource issues involved.

b. Crittenden Road Property

i. Andrea informed Ann of excavation activities and possible vegetation removal within the 250-foot shoreland zone. This is a steep lot along Lake Massasecum.

ii. Ann found out building inspector issued a cease and desist (no building permit?)

iii. Action Item: Brooks will find out at Town Hall who notified DES of the project and what the concern was.

VII. Comprehensive Shoreland Protection Act

a. New regulations go into effect on April 1, 2008.

b. Action Item: When outreach materials are available, Andrea will make sure committee gets many copies to distribute.

VIII. Bog Conservation Easement

a. ASLPT has contacted the Wildflower Society about the mention of an easement on the deed.

b. Action Item: Commission would like to have easement finalized by 2008 Town Meeting.

IX. DES Correspondence

a. Hill and Dale Gravel Pit-Alteration of Terrain Permit: DES needs additional information and is concerned about streams.

X. Wish lit for Planning Board Site Plans and Zoning

a. Streams question

i. Need to add to zoning ordinance

ii. Buffers for linear features

b. Signs and lighting

i. Need justification

ii. Need to research dark sky issues

c. Site plan

i. No increase in off-site runoff

ii. Wetlands within 100 feet of site – need to show buffers

Meeting adjourned at 9:40 pm. Respectfully submitted by Andrea LaMoreaux, Secretary