Economic Development Committee Minutes 07.06.23

The meeting was called to order at 6:10 pm on July 6, 2023.

Members present: Scott McCaskill, Chair, Mel Pfeifle (Selectboard Rep), Kris Foss, Matt Monahan, Libby Webb, Jim Bibbo, Joe Torro  Absent: N/A

Previous Minutes:  Minutes approved from June 6, 2023

Committee Communications and Meeting Schedule: Scott and Matt recently attended a meeting where communication was discussed for town committees. The use of Google Docs was specifically brought up. Going forward, Kris and Libby will update the EDC project spreadsheet and present/share at meetings as changes occur and share it into the official record. Email communication was another concern, and the committee felt that we don’t use email for substantive discussion, but limit it to back and forth regarding scheduling or similar logistics that then get publically posted.  Scott asked the group if Thursdays might work out better for the group rather than Tuesdays. The group decided to move to the first Thursday of the month for the time being, and then reassess in the Fall.

Member Updates: EDC Projects:

Town Website: Kris Foss reported that she met with Karen Hambleton about the potential of a new or revised town website. Karen had previously had a demonstration from one vendor and Kris and Karen will have another vendor demonstration in July. Kris is drafting a scope of work that outlines the benefits of a new site and identifies needs and requirements.

Tall Pines: The bridge at the Pines needs to be resurfaced. The Regional Forrester for our area has the supplies and is ready to resurface the bridge but would like some reassurance that the property owner is aware and okay with the work. The bridge is on a sliver of a parcel owned by the business owners at Bradford Market. Joe Torro knows the owner and will check in with him so that Libby can get back to the Forrester.  

Signage project: Libby Webb gave an update on the signage project. This project goes beyond kiosks, which would be appropriate for some locations, but other style of signage would be more appropriate as part of Main Street revitalization and beautification. Libby also showed the group the Tourism signage package from the State of NH. Businesses may be interested in these signs. They do require initial fees and annual fees. The committee decided to place a link to the package on the town website under the Economic Development section as a resource for businesses. Once the website is updated and a business section is developed, it can be one of several resources. Libby would like to pull together a small group to develop a plan for signage that encompasses “Main Street/town” beautification, informational kiosks at key locations, and safety/service-related signage. Libby raised this as a possible Charette project that would bring subject matter expertise for branding, planning, and revitalization projects.

CEDS Project and EDA Application Update:

Matt Monahan and Jim Bibbo updated the group on the CEDS application process. Evaluations should be completed by July 18th.  The two projects submitted both scored well. The project that included the upstairs theatre of the Town Hall and expanded parking scored number one in its category of Community Facilities.  The West Main paving and sidewalk project ranked in the middle among many submitted transportation projects.

Matt walked the group through the EDA application process.  It is a rolling application process with no deadline and awards made ranging from 100,000 to 30 million dollars until funds are exhausted. The fiscal year runs from October 1st through September 30th. There’s is no penalty for resubmitting an application if we submit prior to the end of the fiscal year and are denied due to funding. We can resubmit when the new fiscal year and funding cycle starts on October 1st. The Northern New England EDA Administrator is available for consultation and Q&A as we draft the application. The more they understand our proposal the better they will be able to advocate for us when they take the application to Philadelphia – the Northeast Regional for awards. 

Mel Pfeifle suggested that we submit one application that combines both CEDS projects – making it a complete downtown/main street revitalization project with the theatre, parking, road, and sidewalk improvements.  She also suggested involving Kim Firth in writing the grant with one or two point people. A committee involved in developing a plan for the theatre can contribute some key information for the grant, as well as be potential partners listed as contributing funds or in-kind funding. The theatre is one element of a large project to revitalize and improve the downtown area.

Town Hall – Theatre/2nd Floor: Jim Bibbo volunteered to bring together a group to create a plan for the theatre/2nd floor of the Town Hall. Kris Foss and Mel Pfeifle suggested the same process that was recently used for the Masonic Building Committee, first hosting a public information and input forum and then asking interested stakeholders to express interest in being on a committee. The Town Administrator and Select Board then selected a cross-section of committee members representing various committees, experience, skills and knowledge to contribute to the project. Jim will reach out to Karen Hambleton to get started.

Naughton Property: Discussion tabled until next meeting.

The meeting Adjourned at 7:20 pm                       

Next Meeting: August 3rd, 2023, 6-7 pm

Respectfully submitted by Kris Foss