Economic Development Committee Minutes 09.20.21

The meeting was called to order at 6:05. Present were Scott McCaskill (Chair), Jim Bibbo (Vice Chair), Laurie Colburn (Secretary, via Zoom), Matt Monahan (CNHRPC, via Zoom), and Stan Ovrevik. Also present was Michael James (via Zoom).

We reviewed the minutes for the past several months and voted to approve them.

We discussed the current state of the ERZ application. We decided to extend the West ERZ, which covers East and West Main Street, to include all properties fronting on East or West Main; previously, some had been excluded, for reasons that we now decided made little sense. All voted in the affirmative. The ERZ application will now be passed to the Planning Board, and thence to the Select Board.

We reviewed the Planning Board procedural Road Map for applicants. Laurie noted that the layout could use improvement, and offered to do the job herself.

We discussed the idea for the “vision” of Bradford. An article soliciting views was supposed to have run in the Bridge several month ago, but we delayed; Laurie will now follow up on that.

Scott proposed an amended set of bylaws, and distributed a working copy for review. These will be discussed at the next meeting.

We discussed the Naughton property. Mike James spoke for some time about his work on this with the Historical Society and a non-profit foundation. We have generally agreed to let the Historical Society take the lead on this, and to support their efforts.

The meeting adjourned at 7:10.

Minutes submitted by Scott McCaskill.