Economic Development Committee Minutes 11.02.23

The meeting was called to order at 6:10.

Present were Jim Bibbo, Mel Pfeifle, Libby Webb, and Scott McCaskill. Matt Monahan from CNHRPC was present via Zoom.

The previous month’s minutes were approved.

Scott noted that the yellow building on West Main Street is being refurbished, and that some work may start on the double-bay building at 8 West Main Street. Mel commented on the recent history of the buildings.

Mel and Jim recounted Kris Foss’s presentation on the Masonic Building at a recent Select Board meeting. Scott indicated that the newly-formed working group for the Town Hall theater would likely follow a similar format to that used with the Masonic Building, soliciting public input.

Libby described the upcoming Community Involvement Fair, and members commented on the difficulty in finding people who have the time to get involved.

This led into a discussion of our 2024 objectives. The web site redesign is moving forward. Mel talked about using the Master Plan to firm up objectives, and Libby noted that to apply for grants, an overall plan is usually necessary.

Matt agreed that the Master Plan is the place to start, and that it also indicates a level of community support for the intended projects.

Jim suggested using some money that the Town has already set aside, to redo the sidewalk in front of the Town Hall, as a demonstration of what can be done, which would be an advantage for grant applications. Mel noted that parking for any event at the Town Hall is a necessity, and that we need to have some kind of plan for that. She also agreed that we could use some already-available capital to do some of the work without grants. She also noted that repair of the culvert under West Main by the Fire Station is a critical need.

Mel described the process of developing the Master Plan in conjunction with the Planning Board. Matt suggested having his boss Mike Tardiff join our next meeting via Zoom to give us some more input on the process. Libby underscored the need for an actual plan for the EDC’s future direction. Jim concurred.

Mel returned to the parking problem, suggesting that we start with a plan for that. She also brought up the idea of making West Main Street one-way. Scott noted that this has both advantages and disadvantages.

Libby asked Jim whether he wanted to take the initiative in pursuing a sidewalk grant. Jim remarked that we have applied several times in the past but have had no success yet, except for the grant that we got for the sidewalks on East Main Street. Libby suggested that we look at the way that grant was done. Matt concurred. Scott is to look into recovering any documentation on the project. Matt will also check the availability of sidewalk grants from the state.

Mel noted that we have not been eligible for federal EDA grants because we are not a distressed area. Jim agreed that it is difficult to get grants when the town is not in a low economic bracket. Mel said that when we do come up with a plan, it can be included in the CIP, and funds can then be set aside for it. If we have a pool of money, we can match a grant, or begin the work ourselves. Libby suggested forming a working group for West Main Street. We decided to consider that at a future meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 7:23.

Minutes submitted by Scott McCaskill.