Economic Development Committee Minutes 12.19.22

The meeting came to order at 6:05. Present were Scott McCaskill (chair), Jim Bibbo, Libby Webb, Kris Foss, Mel Pfeifle, and Matt Monahan of CNHRPC via Zoom.

Initial discussion was about the Implementation Plan developed last month from the 1998 PlanNH charrette. The major question was how to attract people passing through town, how to get their attention, how to give them a reason to stop. The attraction of the Bement Bridge was discussed, how it might be used. Jim talked a bit about how Bradford used to be, how the small group of shops on East Main Street was the focal point of the town.

Matt suggested some kind of “live” document that we could use to prioritize items for action. Kris and Libby agreed to take on this task. Libby noted the need to have concrete proposals in place before bringing in other committees or boards for discussion.

The meeting adjourned at 7:10.

Submitted by Scott McCaskill