Energy Committee Agenda 08.17.21

Meeting at BACC 5:00-6:00 pm

  1. Solar Energy Prospects for Bradford Presented by Ned Raynolds, Commercial Solar Consultant  of Revision Energy:
    1. Bradford’s position in terms of providing solar power for town buildings. Is implementing energy saving measures Bradford’s best energy saving strategy? 
    1. The current community solar power legislative environment. What are the possibilities for municipalities? Is it wise for towns to prepare for future legislation that makes community solar power viable? 
    1. Basic description of the proposal to put a photovoltaic installation on Bradford town property. If/when the laws change, could this installation put solar generated power into the community?
    1. If the project were to move forward, what does the Town need to do?
  2. Review and approval of June Minutes.
  3. Status of Implementation of Energy Audit Energy Saving Recommendations for four Bradford Municipal Facilities
  4. Improving Public Presence of BEC
  5. Other Items
  6. Conclude