Henniker/Bradford Perambulation 10.03.16


Pursuant to a notice from the Selectmen of Henniker to the Selectmen of Bradford, the undersigned met to perambulate the line between said bounds and review the bounds thereof according to law and submit this report of our findings.

The perambulation began around 9:45am and concluded around 1:30pm. It was coordinated by Perry Teele who provided transportation from the vehicles to and from the points of departure and arrival. Bradford representatives were: Andrew Pinard, George Beaton, Ed Macleod. Henniker representatives were: Bob Garrison, Bob French, Jr. (Selectman); Rod Pimentel. All bounds were located, the GPS coordinates notated, markers cleaned, touched up with paint (where necessary) and photographed.

Here follows a log of the perambulation including notable features along the boundary line. Each digital photograph includes the GPS coordinates for accuracy.

  1. HENNIKER/BRADFORD/HILLSBORO CORNER; Elevation 1606 ft. 43°12.410’ | 071°54.781’
  2. First Stonewall junction (toward Bradford); Elevation 1605 ft. 43°12.430’ | 071°54.685’
  3. Second stonewall junction (toward Henniker); Elevation 1507 ft. 43°12.460 | 071°54.521’
  4. Third stonewall junction (toward Bradford); Elevation 1399 ft. 43°12.474 | 071°54.429
  5. Fourth stonewall junction (toward  Henniker) Elevation 1314 ft. 43°12.508’ | 071°54.268’
  6. Fifth stonewall junction (toward Bradford); Elevation 1062 ft. 43°12.576’ | 071°53.951’
  7. Sixth stonewall junction (toward Henniker); Elevation 1021 ft. 43°12.594’ | 071°53.845
  8. Ledge; Elevation 969 ft. 43°12.628’ | 071°53.675’
  9. End of Wall (Hillsborough side); near brook; Elevation 847 ft. 43°12.673’ | 071°53.433’
  10. End of Wall (114 side); Elevation 860 ft. 43°12.709’ | 071°53.291’
  11. MID POINT BOUND; Elevation 891 ft. 43°12.752’ | 071°53.078’
  12. HENNIKER/BRADFORD CORNER; Elevation 857 ft. 43°12.783’ | 071°52.908’

WITNESS OUR HANDS THIS ________ DAY OF _____________________________ 2016

__________________________________________ REPRESENTATIVE OF HENNIKER

__________________________________________ REPRESENTATIVE OF BRADFORD

__________________________________________ RECORDED BY TOWN CLERK ON ______________ (date)

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