Library Trustee Minutes 01.04.10

Brown Memorial Library
Minutes from January 4, 2010 Trustee Meeting

Attendance included: Joan Perry, Meg Fearnley, Bea Howe, Rod Jones, Brooks McCandlish and Erica Gross
1. The minutes from the last meeting were read and accepted.
2. The Treasurer’s report was read and accepted. A motion was made to accept all donations made to Brown Memorial Library for the month of December, in the amount of $819.38 ($437.38 – FVB Landscaping donated the bed-work).
3. Librarian’s report was read and approved. Except for the lack of children, all other numbers were up.
4. The downstairs door has been fixed.
5. Bea spoke with Cheryl Behr regarding the budget which was reviewed without any trustee being present. The Selectmen decided that the library budget should be cut by $560.00 from the original budget request submitted to the town. All trustees agree that this cut is something that we can live with. The library budget does go before budget committee on Jan. 12th. All trustees are urged to go if possible.
6. Two slots for library trustee are opening up for the 3 year term in March.
7. A new time has been chosen for the monthly library trustee meeting. The new time will be the 1st Wednesday of each month at 6:00pm.
8. The water heater is still broken. Bea will contact Pickman & Son’s and see when they are available to look at it. While they are at the library we will also have them look at pipes in one of the bathrooms which have been freezing.
9. Next meeting is on February 3rd at 6:00pm.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:55pm

Respectfully submitted,
Erica Gross, Secretary