Library Trustee Minutes 02.03.10

Brown Memorial Library
Minutes from February 3, 2010 Trustee Meeting

Attendance included: Joan Perry, Meg Fearnley, Bea Howe, Rod Jones, Brooks McCandlish, Patty Furness, Erica Gross and Lorraine MacLeod
1.    The minutes from the last meeting were read and accepted with the change to #5. The Library budget cut was supposed to read $565.00 instead of $560.00.
2.    The Treasurer’s report was read and accepted. A motion was made to accept all donations made to Brown Memorial Library for the month of January, in the amount of $66.50.
3.    The Librarian’s report was not available so next month we will review two reports.
4.    The water heater has been fixed. As far as the freezing pipes in the bathroom, it was looked at but there is still no resolution on how to proceed in fixing the situation.
5.    On Jan 12th, Meg,  Joan and Bea attended the budget committee meeting. The proposed library budget was noted and accepted.
6.    Two slots for library trustee are opening up for the 3-year term in March.
7.     A mini grant is offered by the New London Rotary Club. Meg suggested the Grant could be used towards the purchase of a series called “Colonial Craftsman”.  It was noted that the elementary school uses this series during their Colonial Fair. A motion was made and accepted.
8.    Next meeting is on March 3rd at 6:00pm.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:15pm

Respectfully submitted,
Erica Gross, Secretary