Library Trustee Minutes 03.02.11

Minutes from March 2, 2011

The Board Meeting for the Trustees of Brown Memorial Library was called to order at 6:00 p.m.

Attendance:Bea Howe, Lorraine MacLeod, Rod Jones, Joan Perry + Wilbur, Nola Jordan, Meg Fearnley
Also sitting in on the meeting was Garry Kalajian.

1.    The Secretary’s Report was accepted as presented.

2.    A motion was made and passed to accept gifts and donations to Brown Memorial Library in February in the amount of $32.35, and the Treasurer’s Report was accepted as presented.  Bea reminded the trustees that until we receive our appropriation from the town in June we will continue to borrow money from our Special Funds account to pay operating expenses.

3.    The Librarian’s Report was presented and discussed.  Most of our numbers were down, but February did include two snow days.

4.    Under Old Business, Bea reported that Mike had gone into the attic to check out the situation and reported that the building is in great shape structurally.  Everything is dry and there is no need to worry about the buildup of snow on the roof.  He also replaced bathroom faucets.

5.    Under New Business, Meg announced that the library has applied for and received a CLiF (Children’s Literacy Foundation) grant for approximately 150 new children’s books that will already come with protective mylar covers.  Without the grant these books would cost us about $2,000.  Meg plans to add new titles as well as replace some old favorites that are wearing out. The Foundation will make presentations both at the elementary school and at the Kearsarge Area Pre-School.

6.    Candidates “Night” will actually be held Saturday morning at 10:30.  Rod indicated that he plans to attend.  Bea will try to get in touch with Patty to find out if she can attend and announce that she’s a write-in candidate.  Meg, Bea and perhaps Lorraine will try to go to the polls on Tuesday to pass out slips of paper asking voters to write in Patty’s name as a trustee for a three-year term.

The next meeting will be Wednesday, April 6, at 6:00 p.m.  As the secretary will be absent, Rod volunteered to take the minutes.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Nola Jordan