Library Trustee Minutes 04.07.08

Approved 05.05.08

Board Meeting for the Trustees of Brown Memorial Library

Attendance: Rod Jones, Penny Ulrich, Bob Manchester, Joan Perry, Bea Howe, Brooks McCandlish, & Meg Fearnley

1. The minutes from the last meeting were read and accepted.

2. A motion was made to accept gifts and donations made to Brown Memorial Library in March in the amount of $597.25 ($290 from book sales, $300 from Katryna Jacobsen and $7.25 in fines). New virus protection was purchased for all computers and new backup software was installed on the portable hard drive. Bea reported that the fund report printed in the town report was different from what was handed in because of computer glitches. She will use Microsoft Excel in the future so that our report will be compatible with the town’s software. The treasurer’s report was accepted.

3. The librarian’s report was read and accepted. Meg reported that more people visited the library last month. Penny had an idea for two craft programs/storytimes to be held at the library on Saturday May 10th and Saturday June 14th so the children can make Mother’s Day and Father’s Day gifts for their parents. In May there will be a program at the Senior Center with an Agatha Christie impersonator. This program will be co-sponsored by the library. A May 2nd date has not been confirmed yet. Bonnie Warren is considering a price for cleaning the library windows.

4. A concrete pad for the new book drop will be installed by Steve Lucier and the road crew (with permission from the selectmen) some time next month. It will be placed in the area beside the stone wall in front of the library steps.

5. We have not yet received an invoice concerning the fire alarm problems. We will hold off sending the letter of complaint until we receive one.

6. Two new/old trustees (Rod Jones and Joan Perry) were welcomed after winning election. Officers voted in for the coming year were Joan Perry (Chair), Bea Howe (Treasurer) and Erica Gross (Secretary).

7. The next book (& plant) sale will be held Saturday May 24th. Volunteers are lined up. At the last sale the church parking lot was crowded due to another event, keeping people away from the book sale.

8. The theme for the Summer Reading Program/parade was discussed. Meg suggested the theme “Get into the Rhythm of Reading at Brown Memorial Library.” We will have percussion instruments for the trustees to play as they march along. Instruments can be made from “found” objects. Others will be asked to join the group, including children. Dates for the Summer Reading Program are July 12, 19, 26 & Aug. 2 at 10AM.

9. The date for the fundraising dinner was tentatively set for August 23rd. Meg will ask Erica & Paul if the lodge is available that date. We will ask the Bradford Bog People to entertain again.

10. The next meeting will be May 5 at 7pm.

Rod Jones, acting secretary