Library Trustee Minutes 05.02.18

Brown Memorial Library Trustee
DRAFT Meeting Minutes, Wednesday, May 2, 2018.

Attendance: Nola Jordan, Jason Grey, Patty Furness, Sandy Wadlington, Annette Leonas, Meg Fearnley, and Ellen Barselle. The board meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm.

1. The secretary’s report was presented and read. A motion was made and passed to accept the report.

2. The treasurer’s report was presented. The library received $133.00 from donations; $92.00 from on-going book sale, $28.00 from general donations, and $13.00 for a damaged book. A motion was made and passed to accept the donations. Appropriations from the town were received. Expenses were higher this month as April had three pay periods. A motion was made and passed to accept the treasurer’s report.

3. The librarian’s report was presented. Good, steady flow of patrons this month. Children’s material up potentially due to the new children’s Monday morning play group, 10:30-12:00. There were over 40 people who attended the story time /playgroup last Monday!

4. Old Business

A. Interviews for the Library Director position are being conducted, with the last interview taking place this Friday, 5/5/18. The Trustees will deliberate and make their decision over the weekend.

B. Discussed lighting project and how the project could be funded. Trustees do not want to empty out special funding monies. Discussed using half the amount, around $20,000 dollars, and the rest would need to come from fundraising. Jason will investigate how to set up a Go Fund Me site and using Facebook for fundraising. Ellen and Nola will speak with several individuals who have backgrounds in marketing and fundraising. Nola will get a quote from the post office for how much a mailer would cost to go to the residents of Bradford. Trustees will connect through email to discuss their findings and will bring all ideas together at the next meeting in June. Lastly, Ellen will write an article for the Bradford Bridge to be completed for the July magazine. The article will inform residents about the library’s endeavor to effectively and efficiently light the library using LED lights, and the need to raise money to pay for the project. Information will be given to the Friend’s Board to see if they could also assist in fundraising, their annual meeting is this Saturday, 5/5, at 2:00pm.

C. The library will hold their annual Memorial Day book/plant sale on Saturday, 5/26/18, in combination with the church’s barn sale. Bea and Sandy will provide coverage from 9:00-11:30am. Nola and Annette will work from 11:30-2:00pm.

5. New Business

A. Due to hiring a new Library Director this month, election of new officers will take place at the meeting in June.

B. Trustees made a motion to authorize and pass Leslie’s hourly rate.

C. A motion was made and passed to vote on Library Director hourly amount of $17.15 an hour, working 90% of time library is open, hours will be determined between board and candidate. If candidate is able to start immediately, new hire can work with Meg during the rest of May to learn the job in order for a smoother transition once Meg leaves.

D. All library employees hourly rate, personal information, emergency contact information, etc., will be put together in an Ideal Personnel Action Form.

E. A motion was made and passed that all expenditures over $500.00 dollars need approval by the Trustees.

F. Discussed the need to hire an additional staff member to help with some hours during the week, discussed the idea of possibly on Mondays from 5-8, and for on-call hours if an employee is out sick, on jury duty, or on vacation.

G. There will be a retirement party for Meg on Sunday, 5/27/18, held at the library with food and drink from 11:00-3:00pm. Please come to enjoy a few eats and treats and say goodbye to wonderful Meg.

H. The library will be closed on Memorial Day, Monday, 5/28/18.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:20 pm. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 6, 2018, at 6:00pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Ellen Barselle