Library Trustee Minutes 06.06.18

Brown Memorial Library Trustee Meeting Minutes, June 6, 2018 In attendance: Nola Jordan, Jason Grey, Patty Furness, Ellen Barselle, Connie Scheffey, Seth Benowitz, and Sandy Wadlington. Meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM.

  1. The secretary’s report was read and accepted.
  2. The treasurer’s report was presented. The Memorial Day Book and Plant Sale was the big (fiscal) event in May, which brought in $1298.80. Other donations: $35.00 General, $12.00 Damaged Book, and $114.25 On-going book sale for a grand total of $1460.05. Expenses were normal.
  3. Librarian’s Report presented and accepted. It was brief, as the new librarian, former Trustee Ellen Barselle, was on the job only a few days in May.
  4. Old Business:Election of officers: Patty Furness will continue as Chair, with Jason Grey in a supportive role as Co-Chair. Nola Jordan will continue as Treasurer, with Annette Leonas learning the ropes. Sandy Wadlington will be Secretary. Lighting Sub-Committee: It was decided that a sub-committee was needed to evaluate the complex issue of how to proceed with the upgrade from fluorescent lighting to LED lighting in the library. Seth, Patty, Jason and Connie all volunteered to be that committee. The issues involve picking out the most appropriate lighting for our needs and finding an electrical contractor. The Sub-Committee will meet separately.
  5. New Business:There was a resolution to remove Ellen as signatory on the library checking account. Annette was suggested as a replacement. All agreed. We discussed the summer reading programs: “Read to Ride” and “Reading Rocks” Read to Ride involves a raffle where kids who log in 20 minutes a day reading can enter in a raffle to win a bicycle (one of two) donated by St. Peter’s Lodge. Reading rocks is a tie in with musicians who encourage reading, and will work with the children at the library in 4 separate throughout the month of July. Both themes will be the focus of the July 4th (June 30th) town parade, organized by Ellen, Leslie and Laurie. There will be a book and plant sale at the Library June 30th from 9AM to 2PM. Sandy, Nola, Seth and Connie will cover. The Trustees passed a motion asking the Selectmen to appoint Seth Benowitz to fill out Ellen Barselle’s term until the March elections. A letter to that effect will be sent to the Selectmen. Ellen asked about the process of backing up the computers. Jason said he would look into it.

    Meeting was adjourned at 7:10PM. The next meeting will be held on July 11, 2018.