Library Trustee Minutes 08.03.09

Minutes from August 3, 2009 Trustee Meeting

Attendance: Joan Perry, Bea Howe, Rod Jones, Penny Ulrich,

Patty Furness & Meg Fearnley

1. The minutes from the last meeting were read and accepted.

2. A motion was made to accept gifts and donations made to Brown Memorial Library in July in the amount of $995.35. We took in $707.00 at the July 4th book sale. Special thanks to Janet for the extra boost given by the plant sale. A list of the auditor’s suggestions and the disposition thereof was signed by all in attendance. The treasurer’s report was accepted.

3. The librarian’s report was read. The circulation for the month of August was the highest ever and came close to the 2000 mark. The rainy weather has brought readers into the library. The Summer Reading Program was a success and the children enjoyed the final day making ice cream with Penny.

4. The fundraising dinner will be held on August 29th at the Mason’s hall. Meg has produced a flyer. Trustees will meet at the hall on Friday August 28th at 10am to start preparing food. A sign-up sheet will be at the circulation desk for anyone who wants to volunteer to make desserts. We will once again have the 50/50 raffle.

5. Chase Bank offers business credit cards with no annual fee. Bea will look into acquiring one.

6. TDS will be sending a donation to help cover the increased cost of the higher speed internet for this year.

7. There was a slight problem with mold in the downstairs hallway. The heavy downpours overtaxed the drain and sump pump, letting some water in under the door. It has been treated with chlorine bleach, and we will research to see if anything else needs to be done.

8. The next book sale will be held Saturday September 5 from 9 to 2. Shifts are covered.

The next meeting will be Sept. 14th at 7 pm.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:35 pm.

Rod Jones, acting secretary