Library Trustee Minutes 10.02.13

Minutes from October 2, 2013

The Board Meeting for the Trustees of Brown Memorial Library was called to order at 6:02 p.m.

Attendance:    Mary-Chris Duncan        Bea Howe            Connie Scheffy
Patty Furness            Nola Jordan            Robert Toppi
Erica Gross            Garry Kalajian            Meg Fearnley

1. Erica was seated as a voting member for this evening’s meeting.

2. Bob Toppi reported that he attended the Library Trustees’ workshop and shared copies of handouts that he received.

3. The secretary’s report was accepted as presented.

4. A motion was made and passed to accept donations to Brown Memorial Library in September in the amount of $1,965.25.  $1,080.00 was given in memory of Rod Jones.  $400 came from the Masons’ fund-raising dinner, $268.00 from the Labor Day weekend book sale, $39.25 from the on-going book sale, $160.00 from general donations, $5.00 from the purchase of a book bag, and $13.00 was to replace a damaged book.  Expenses continue to run very much as expected.  The Treasurer’s Report was accepted as presented.

5. Meg reported that circulation and attendance figures are doing well.  The only noticeable change is the decrease in inter-library loans coming from other towns.  This is because we no longer have a book group and the book-to-movie night is only being held every other month.  One father and son showed up for the first chess club meeting on the third Monday.

6. Under Old Business, trustees discussed the upcoming Skywatch Program.  As the new moon is currently falling early in the month, we are looking at dates in early November or December.  Meg will contact the NH Astronomical Society to see when they are available and Patty will seek permission to use a field on Pleasant View Road where it will be very dark.  When we used the church lot there was some interference from street lights.

7. Patty is still working with Paul Gross on getting the roofing quote we need for the Capital Improvement Program application.  Meg reported that the painter she contacted looked at the job and decided it was more than he wanted to undertake.  She will try someone else.  As for carpeting, she mentioned that the Henniker Library installed carpet tiles.  Not only do they look good, but they are not difficult to install and individual tiles can be replaced as necessary in high-traffic areas or if there is some kind of damage.  This might be a good way for us to go.

8. Under New Business, the trustees discussed and approved the 2014 budget Bea had prepared with the proviso that employees be given a 3 per cent increase.  Other line items that show an increase are fuel, dues and education, and internet.  As usual, Bea did an excellent job husbanding our resources.

9. A motion was passed requesting the Selectmen to appoint Erica to finish out the late Rod Jones’ term as Trustee.  Bea will send them a letter.

10. The trustees approved Bea’s suggestion to have the words “From the Heart of Rod Jones, Library Trustee, 1997-2013” engraved on a small plaque to be mounted on the pendulum door of the grandfather clock Rod donated to the library.

11. It was agreed that carpet cleaning can wait until next spring.

12. Meg, Laurie Buchar, Bea and at least one other patron will greet children who come to the library on Halloween and pass out books.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 6, at 6:00 p.m.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:02 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Nola Jordan, Secretary