Library Trustee Minutes 2.2.09

Board Meeting for the Trustees of Brown Memorial Library, Feb. 2, 2009

Attendance:  Joan Perry, Bea Howe, Penny Ulrich, Rod Jones, & Meg Fearnley

1.  The minutes from the last meeting were read and accepted.

2.  A motion was made to accept gifts and donations made to Brown Memorial Library in January in the amount of $146.00. There was a large expenditure for books this month due to a great sale on audio books.  The treasurer’s report was accepted.

3.  The librarian’s report was read. Numbers were low, which is normal for January. Children’s materials were down slightly but adult materials remain at a good level.  Inclement weather kept the day care children away on several Wednesdays.  The downloadable audio books are now available.

4.  The two previous selectmen’s reports were discussed.  The selectmen are reviewing the budgets again and the chairman of the board of selectmen made a motion to cut the library’s budget by 1%.  No vote was taken as not all the selectmen were present.  If they decide to cut our budget and the cut is approved by the budget committee, we will cut our fuel budget and hope the cost of oil remains lower than we anticipated during the budgeting process.

6.  The next meeting will be March 2 at 7 pm.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:20 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Rod Jones, acting secretary