Library Trustee Minutes 10.05.09

Brown Memorial Library

Minutes from October 5, 2009 Trustee Meeting

Attendance included: Joan Perry, Meg Fearnley, Bea Howe, Bob Manchester, Rod Jones, Patty Furness, Brooks McCandlish and Erica Gross
1.    The minutes from the last meeting were read and accepted.
2.    The Treasurer’s report was read and accepted. A motion was made to accept all donations made to Brown Memorial Library for the month of September, in the amount of $767.05 ($561.30 – Book sale).
We have made $162.50 from book bag sales.
3.    Librarian’s report was read and approved. Although the summer people have left, the number of patrons has stayed on par with the past. The audio downloads are down so Meg plans to promote this more.
4.    For most line items the budget will remain the same at the 3% increase with a 1% increase in the State unemployment budget. Motion was made and accepted.
5.    The rugs were cleaned and look much better.
6.    The October book sale is all set. Patty and Bob will be switching their shifts.
7.    The Page will be out for a bit due to a family situation. Meg will contact someone else to cover until the page can return.
8.    The downstairs door is rusting. The money could come from maintenance but that is getting low and we still have the rest of the year to think about. Trustees discussed taking money from the special projects fund for either replacing or fixing the door. Bob will have Todd Harrison call Bea about the repair.
9.    Bonnie has resigned from cleaning the library due an overload in her work schedule. Maureen O’Keefe has taken over this position and so far is doing a very thorough job. She works 2 hours a week (once in awhile it will be 2-1/2 hours a week).
10.    Next meeting is on November 2nd at 7:30pm.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:48pm

Respectfully submitted,
Erica Gross, Secretary