Masonic Building Committee Minutes 07.12.23

Site visit at Masonic Building at 5pm.  All members of the committee toured the building and site along with Town Administrator Karen Hambleton, Selectman Marlene Freyler and Jim Raymond, Deputy Fire Chief.

The meeting was called to order at the Bradford Community Center at 5:31pm.  Discussion about future meeting times in order to not conflict with other town meetings.  

Members discussed the site visit.   The condition of the building observed by the committee was noted along with the possibility of asbestos being present in some floor tiles, maybe not an issue in the ceilings and lead paint.  Abatement of the asbestos would have to take place whatever option was chosen to move forward.  All these items would need to be investigated by an environmental company to get up to date correct information about what is present in the building. Discussion about how many quotes are needed for due diligence.   There was discussion about septic information and how up to date it was and whether we should have new independent companies to investigate it.  The committee could look at the last report done and decide if newer investigations should be done, depending on the information contained in the report.

The committee noted that there would be some items of interest for salvage and selling, kitchen equipment, building features such as tin ceilings, flooring, moldings, lighting, stained glass windows etc., and again professional opinions should be sort for the values of what is in the building.  Some items could be repurposed for the Town Hall, especially some tables, desks, and benches.

Discussion moved on to the lot and boundaries behind the Masonic Building and the State’s right of way for the Bradford Pines and cemetery running between the Masonic Building and the neighbours house.  Discussion about the building being moved to a town owned piece of land and sold.  To be revisited at the next meeting which will be our brainstorming meeting.  Parking needs and the angle of the fire truck leaving the garage were looked at and discussed. 

Only one bathroom in the building, but there is plenty of space to add one.  According to history a portion of the lot was given to the Fire Department and additional agreements were made over the years.  Although the history of how this came about might not have a direct bearing on the future of the building it was agreed that Tracey will piece together a brief synopsis of the history incorporating all the documents that were given to the committee.

Discussion on how we can fact find without any funding and how we address that.  How we can go forward with independent reports and not use old unsubstantiated information.

The committee will look out for resources for asbestos/environmental recommendations from the DES and possibly from Historical/Renovation sites.

Discussion about what kind of parking or spaces would be needed for the Fire Department and how to give a straight shot for the fire trucks to get in and out safely.  Discussion about more parking needed for town hall also so maybe the parking spaces could be designated for Fire Department and public parking.

Motion made by Bruce and seconded by Annie to approve minutes of June 28, 2023 meeting.   Passed unanimously.

Next meeting will be a brainstorming of options and flushing out pros and cons.  The meeting is on July 26th, and will start at 6:30pm to accommodate all committee members.

Motion to adjourn meeting at 6:19pm made by Tracey, second Bruce. Passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted.

Tracey Quigley