Masonic Building Committee Minutes 08.09.23

The meeting was called to order at the Bradford Area Community Center at 5:30pm.

Present:  Kris Foss, Bruce Gezelman, Anne Kratz, Pat Moreland, Bryan Nowell, Mel Pfeifle and Tracey Quigley. Assistant Fire Chief Jim Raymond in Audience.  Selectperson Marlene Freyler in Audience at 6pm

Motion was made by Bruce, Second Pat, to approve minutes from last meeting as presented. 

Motion passed unanimously. 

Kris handed out typed sheets from our brainstorming session from last meeting.  Each section can be further investigated.  The Move It section has many more options than the Demolition Section motion was made by Bryan and second Bruce to add these sheets to last meeting minutes for publication. Motion passed unanimously.

The last section deals with what happens to the property after the building is gone.  Landscaping, etc to ensure the area looks attractive for Bradford when finished.

Discussion around condensing some options to make research easier with a lot of the options having crossover.

Some items were removed as duplicates and others joined together to make research easier.

Discussion about asking at the next Select Board meeting for funds to cover essential tests for asbestos, lead and mapping out where the septic is. Up to approximately $1500.  

Discussion about what to present to the Capital Improvement Committee that meets August 16th.  There was discussion about how much to ask for without having all our estimates in yet.  How long to fund the project.  Will the cost be put forward in a one-year proposal that would directly affect the tax rate.  Can we put in a figure on what we know now with the option to revisit as our research reveals more accurate costs for each option.

Discussion moved on to how would take on what tasks and report back for the next meeting with estimates and or information.  Bruce will investigate tear down costs.  Pat will contact real estate agents including a commercial one to get value on the building as is and with whole parcel.  Parking lot – mapped out with right away, leech field and how many spaces can be put in per code – Bryan.  Anne offered to help with a simple site plan.  Tracey will investigate companies that will move the building.

Kris handed out an updated timeline to keep us on task to bring our recommendation to the Board before town warrants are put up for 2024.

Discussions on what exactly our remit is and if we are coming up with one or two options.  The Select Board will make any decisions.

Public comment – Question about timing of our meetings – all meetings with be at 5:30pm

unless otherwise noted.

                             Question about how many options will the Committee put forward.

                             Comment that a lot of money has been spent on the Fire House where it so, so

moving it might not be a viable option.

Meeting adjourned at 6:45pm

Respectfully submitted,

Tracey Quigley