New!! Bradford Office Hours with State Representatives

State Representatives Tony Caplan and Rod Pimentel announce that they will start having monthly office hours alternating between the Henniker Town Hall and the Bradford Area Community Center.  Since the start of the Covid epidemic there have been few opportunities for outreach to the citizens of Bradford and Henniker other than emails and Facebook. Tony and Rod hope that this new arrangement will give more opportunities to bring your questions and concerns directly to them in a face-to-face setting. 

The first scheduled office hour will be at the Henniker Town Hall on Tuesday October 19th from 5:30 to 6:30 PM.  The next one will be at the Bradford Area Community Center from 5:30 to 6:30 PM on November 16th.  Thereafter office hours will rotate back and forth on the 3rd Tuesday of the month, same time, same place.  Citizens can come in during the designated times for a private conversation with Tony and Rod, or schedule a meeting at a mutually agreed upon time and place.

2022 Meeting Dates are January 18th, March 15th, May 17th, July 19th, September 20th and November 15th.

Tony is a Yale University graduate and former wire service journalist with experience working overseas and a 20 plus year veteran of New Hampshire public schools. He is serving his first term as a State Legislator. He serves on the Environment and Agriculture Committee and is interested in issues affecting sustainable agriculture, solid waste planning, education, and housing.

Rod is an ex-Marine, graduate of UNH, former businessman, three term selectman and is currently in his second term as a State Legislator.  He currently serves on the Science Technology and Energy Committee.  Some areas of particular concern for Rod are the climate crisis, property tax relief, public education funding and affordable housing.

Tony can be reached at:

603-748-3167 call or text

Rod can be reached at:

603-748-0937 call or text