Planning Board Minutes 01.12.21



January 12th,2021


The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm

Members Present: Pam Bruss (Chair), Carol Troy (Vice Chair), Mel Pfeifle, Doug Troy (Alternate) seated for Carol Meise, Laurie Colburn. Sonny Harris (present at 7:10pm).

Members Absent: Steve Chase (Alternate), Carol Meise, Tom Dunne, Michael James (Selectmen’s Rep). 

Public Present:  Jason Allen, Peter Vaas, Steve Henninger (CNHRPC), Brooks McCandlish.

To Do:

  • Review and consideration of the December 22nd, 2020 minutes.

Motion: Laurie Colburn motioned to accept the minutes as written.

Second: Carol Troy

Decision: Doug Troy- Abstain, Laurie Colburn-Aye, Pam Bruss- Aye, Mel Pfeifle- Aye, Carol Troy-Aye.

Public Hearing(s): Repeal of the Town of Bradford Code Ordinance

The Public Hearing was called into session at 7:04pm. The rules and procedures were read into record by Chair Pam Bruss. Jason Allen presented the Select Boards proposal. The State Fire Marshalls have been contacted. The State Fire Marshalls are available to help the public decipher the building code. The Fire Chief in Bradford would conduct the town fire inspections. With written request the town can ask the state fire marshals to oversee larger projects in town. A municipality is not required or held liable to inspect home owners’ projects. The Proposal from the select board is available online for review at located under the Planning Board posts for the public hearing. Selectmen Jason Allen explained that it would be the individual’s duty to have an inspection, the liability falls on builders and home owners. The funds of the building inspector’s salary could be utilized in other areas of the town. The Select Board was in agreement to move forward with the removal of the Building Code Enforcement position.

The Select Board will be increasing the Administrative budget to cover the costs of overseeing permits. The Select Board will still need to approve the permits. Chair Pam Bruss questioned the increase. The Building Code budget last year was approximately $15,000.00 The budget includes the health inspector’s budget. Approximately the budget was reduced to 7,000.00 by eliminating the code enforcement position.

Carol Troy questioned the increase in work flow that may occur regarding the zoning compliance from permits. Mel Pfeifle questioned duties expected moving forward. The Select Board would like to utilize the assistance of Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission in matters that would be unfamiliar for example: if a permit required information pertaining to wetlands. Enforcement would still pertain to the Select Board.  Mel Pfeifle expressed some concerns not having the appropriate resources and professional over seeing projects. The Planning Board would like to know in detail what the building inspector’s duties were. What was done in the past and what makes sense for Bradford moving forward. Doug Toy expressed that if the town can’t have a professional building inspector than the town maybe better off without one. The town overall has had issues with enforcement. The Planning Board deliberated on where the liability would fall. Town council has reviewed and had in-depth discussion with the Select Board. A licensed contractor, plumber, and electrician obtaining a permit is required to present their license information. Brooks McCandlish expressed the importance for the Zoning Board to operate well. It is important to have someone that is not on the board who can understand and communicate the Zoning ordinance properly will be the most effective with this transition. If a decision has been made this can then be reviewed by the Zoning Board.

Motion: Carol Troy Motioned a continuation of the Repeal of the Building code ordinance hearing for the January 26th, 2021 Planning Board Meeting.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: Doug Troy- Aye, Laurie Colburn-Aye, Pam Bruss- Aye, Mel Pfeifle- Aye, Carol Troy-Aye.

Appearances:  Steve Henninger from Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission presented an overview of the table of uses. If a use is not listed typically it’s not allowed. For example: if a use is not listed the applicant could go before the Zoning Board for possible approval. Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission could come up with a more detailed table of uses.  Mel Pfeifle explained that as a town we need to expand our tax base.

The Planning Board discussed needing to deliberate the tax impacts of the table of uses. Conservation and the tax base were discussed. The Planning Board would like to do some thorough research for solid answers. The Planning Board would like to look at the master plan, revisit the current zones as well as the table of uses. Mel Pfeifle inquired on how can the town expand cell service. Steve Henninger suggested to contact elected officials to extend broadband. The Planning Board discussed fiber optics. Carol Troy would like to look at the Master Plan survey. Brooks McCandlish shared when thinking about a new Zoning district to remember the natural resource inventory.

*The overlay of aquifers and zoning districts are located in the Master Plan.

Other Communications:

  • The Planning Board discussed the process to solidify the future working meetings format and updating the rules and procedures. The Planning Board were in agreement that the first meeting of the month would be a working meeting and the second meeting would be for applications and public hearings. The Board discussed the remaining balance in funds for the year 2020. Jason Allen clarified the procedures for the budget at end of the year.

Motion: Carol Troy motioned the second Tuesday of every month will be a working meeting. Any applications and public hearings will be held at the second meeting.

Second: Laurie Colburn

Decision: Doug Troy- Abstain, Laurie Colburn-Aye, Pam Bruss- Aye, Mel Pfeifle- Aye, Carol Troy-Aye.

  • Merrimack County Customs Site Plan application – Public Hearing to be held January 26th,2021. The Secretary is awaiting corrected fee’s for the application. Jason Allen explained the location of the map and lot number. The property is located on route 114. A possible abutter was questioned. The Map and Lot number will be researched further.

Planning Board Communications:

The next Planning Board Meeting will be held on January 26th, 2020 at 7:00pm remotely on the ZOOM platform. To access and participate in a Planning Board meeting using the Zoom platform, either:

  1. To join Zoom meeting online:

Meeting ID: 309 707 493

Password: 757403


  1. Use a telephone to dial one of the following numbers:

 +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

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And enter the following Meeting ID when prompted:

Meeting ID: 309 707 493

            Password: 757403

Motion: Laurie Colburn motioned to adjourn.

Second: Carol Troy

Decision:  Mel Pfeifle- Aye, Carol Troy –Aye, Pam Bruss- Aye, D, Laurie Colburn-Aye, Doug Troy-Aye.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:56 pm

Draft Minutes submitted by

Katie Olohan

Planning Board Secretary