Planning Board Minutes 01.22.13

JANUARY 22, 2013

Call To Order and Roll Call:

Marcia Keller, Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00pm with Jim Bibbo, Phil LaMoreaux, Vice Chair, Mark Keith, Sonny Harris, Selectmen’s Representative, John Greenwood and Marge Cilley, Secretary present. Caryl Walker and Don Jackson were absent.

Review and Consideration of December 11, 2012 Minutes:

Motion was made by Jim Bibbo to accept the minutes of December 11, 2012. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 5-0.

Marcia Keller, Chair advised the LCHIP check from the town for the Knapton Mylar was returned to the town as a Municipality does not submit to LCHIP.

Review and Consideration of November 27, 2012 Minutes:

Motion was made by Phil LaMoreaux, Vice Chair to approve the November 27th minutes. Seconded by Jim Bibbo. Sonny Harris, Selectmen’s Representative abstained. Motion carried 4-0.

To Do Folder:

A letter to the Selectmen needs to be forwarded regarding no response from correspondence to Douglas Jackson dated January 14, 2013.

Town Report:

Marcia Keller presented the report from the Planning Board to be inserted in the Town Report for the Board’s approval and there were no additions or deletions suggested.

Zoning Enforcement Communication:

An e-mail to Cheryl Behr from Harry Wright, Chair Selectmen requesting she get an opinion from Atty. Waugh as to how to handle enforcement was reviewed One comment was that we need to be sure the mechanism is in effect so we do not need to get to the point of enforcement. Another point of view was that it is unfair for people who do follow the law when others do not and are not called to task on it. Discussion ensued with decision to wait until next meeting for further discussion.

Public Hearing –Zoning Ordinance Change:

At 7:30pm the Public Hearing for the Zoning Ordinance Change was opened.

Marcia Keller, Chair read the following Ordinance that was submitted by petition and opened the floor for comments.

“To see if the town will vote to modify article III section G of the Bradford Zoning Ordinance by altering the minimum setbacks of junk yards from state highways, so that the last sentence of that section reads as follows: “Motor vehicle junk yards must conform to state regulation RSA Chapter 236, 1981, sections 111-129, except that the applicable setback from the right–of-way lines of a non-interstate Class I, Class II, or Class III-A highway shall be 450 feet.”

It was stated that the submitted Ordinance needs to be on the Ballot at town Meeting as written.

There was no Public in attendance.

Motion was made by Phil LaMoreaux, Vice Chair to not approve the Zoning Ordinance Change of wording regarding setback. Seconded by John Greenwood. Motion tied 3-3.

This will be re-opened when there is a full board to vote.

Public Hearing was closed.

There being no other business to come before the board, motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:50pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
