Planning Board Minutes 01.23.24

Call to Order 7:30 pm

Roll Call: Present: Katie Olohan (Chair), Shanna Griffin, Carol Meise, Laurie Colburn, Mel Pfeifle (Select Board rep.)

Review & Consideration of the December 26, 2023 minutes.

Motion: Shanna Griffin moved to accept the December 26, 2023 minutes as written

Second: Carol Meise

Decision: 5-0, all in favor

Public Hearing:

Continuation of December public hearing- establish new article: Surface Water Overlay District  (SWOD)

Public hearing opened at 7:41 pm.

Ann Eldridge, Conservation Commission, suggested that the ordinance be combined with existing ordinances for wetlands and ground water. Mel commented that the ordinance should not be so comprehensive that it would not be understood. Discussion centered on the Conservation Commission and the Planning Board would collaborate to bring an ordinance forward for voting in 2025.

Public Hearing closed at 7:45 pm.

Open hearing for Board discussion: 7: 45 pm.

Laurie asked if it would be possible to put together an ordinance that laid out some of the regulations that could be added to in the future. Katie explained that at the first public hearing there were some very comprehensive additions and edits to the SWOD made by the Conservation Commission. Those additions and edits are still being studied and need consideration by the Planning Board and Conservation Commission before bringing the ordinance to the public. Therefore, planning a vote by the public in 2025 is being considered.

Motion: Laurie Colburn moved that the article for the SWOD be tabled and reworked for presentation in 2025.  

Second: Shanna Griffin

Decision: 5-0, all in favor

Public Hearing on an article: Surface Water Overlay District closed at 7:59 pm.

Laurie asked if there was something the Board could do to bring awareness to this topic. The Board discussed strategies to be used and possible contributors to be contacted to help write the SWOD.

Unfinished Business: 

Reschedule site walk and public hearing for Richard and Judith Curless- Application for a lot line of adjustment Map 22 Lots 29 & 30. The rescheduled hearing will take place on February 27. Katie will email the Board when a date for the site walk has been set. Katie will do the noticing for the site walk and hearing.

Table of uses- Commercial – Mapping update/ Master Plan-tabled

A Master Plan subcommittee needs to be formed.

With no other comments or updates.

Motion: Katie Olohan made a motion to adjourn the meeting.

Second: Shanna Griffin

Decision: 5-0, all in favor

Meeting adjourned at 8:11 pm

Next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 27th at 7:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary