Planning Board Minutes 02.28.12

FEBRUARY 28, 2012

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Marcia Keller, Chair called the meeting to order at 7:02pm with Phil LaMoreaux, Vice Chair, John Greenwood, Bill Glennie, Sonny Harris, Mark Keith, Alternate, Caryl Walker, Alternate, and Marge Cilley present. Jim Bibbo and Barry Wheeler, Selectmen’s Representative were absent.

Caryl Walker was seated for Jim Bibbo.

To Do Folder:

Letter from CNHRPC regarding Road Count mentioned and will be addressed at a later time.

Review and Consideration of the January 24, 2012 minutes:

Motion was made by Phil LaMoreaux to approve the minutes.

John Greenwood questioned if the discussion on procedures of permitting folks and coming up with some sort of way to simplify format to guide people through the process.

That way they would not have to come back and forth to the board so often, which is repetitious.

John Greenwood would like to add to the minutes “The Board is considering steps taken to simplify the application process for people coming before the board, and guide them through it so they do not have to come back and forth.”

It was also stated that in order to make this effective is to have a work session with the Selectmen, Planning Board, Fire Chief and Zoning Board member with everyone being on the same page.

Motion carried to approve the January 24, 2012 minutes with edit. Sonny Harris abstained. 5-0.

Kevin Fadden representing Industrial Communications – Conceptual Consultation

Re: Cell phone tower on Goldberg property with frontage on Jones Road.

Kevin Fadden introduced Kevin Delaney who has been in Industrial Communications nearly twenty years.

Marcia Keller, Chair advised this is a Conceptual Consultation which means nothing is binding from either side at this meeting.

Kevin Delaney advised the business has been in operation since 1974, and are unique from other companies as everything done regarding the tower is done in house, and nothing is subcontracted out. They cover multiple things, a tower construction company, site acquisition work, foundation, construction, electricians, tower climbers, and technicians. They are also a two way radio corporation (SMR) a specialized mobile radio.

Kevin Fadden advised he has a real estate background. He stated that Kevin Delaney gave him a geographic area for him to locate where a tower would be beneficial. While doing work in the Goshen area drove through Bradford and stopped at the post office and realized there is no coverage in Bradford. After much searching in the area, came across land and acquired land at Goldberg/Starr property with access on Jones Road. Kevin advised this company did purchase the land (7.4 acres) and pays taxes to the town. At this time they are working on coverage from along Route 103 through Sutton, Warner into Bradford and into Newbury, with Bradford being the hub.

Marcia Keller, Chair advised there are two projects with the Planning Board, 1. Subdivision and 2. Installation of tower. At this time, Mr. Fadden handed out a map showing proposed coverage.

Kevin advised this coverage represents PCS coverage which includes carriers operating under PCS: Sprint, T Mobile, AT&T, Verizon. Verizon and US Cellular will operate under both 800 and 1900 megahertz. They also have contracts with all the major carriers.

This will offer free space on the tower for Public Safety Depts, such as Fire and Police.

At this time, Rick Boisey explained the proposed area map, showing Subdivision and Site Plan as well as the access driveway already there to be used as a service road after construction is done. This will not be able to be used during construction, and Mr. Goldberg has given them an access easement through the existing parking lot.

Rick advised they would like their Special Permit application or Site Plan Review and once they get their approval of that, would go for the subdivision.

Rick Boisey explained the area of the proposal on the map, and at this time there is no vegetation in the area. It was stated that since there is none, none has to be maintained. Again, maps were shown.

The Frontage on Jones Road is 65 feet, with the required acreage of 6.7.

Discussion ensued regarding a Variance .

A balloon test has not been done yet as questioned by Bill Glennie, but will be done per Rick Boisey.

The tower is a 180’ lattice style tower which fades into the background as vegetation is allowed to grow and there will be some outdoor cabinets. The fenced area would be approximately 75’ by 80’ and the pad would be approximately 30’ by 30’.

Phil LaMoreaux, Vice Chair suggested that if they bring in an application for this, reading the Zoning Ordinance, we would then require you to seek a Variance from the Zoning Board, because as a board, we cannot authorize it. The Zoning Ordinance has been approved by the town, and we can approve everything if it meets regulations, but if it doesn’t meet the regulations, then the Application can be changed or seek a Variance. Phil explained that a Variance means that you would need to come before the Planning Board and be denied the application then seek a Variance from the Zoning Board of Adjustment, then come back to the Planning Board with the same Application.

The Site Plan and Subdivision may want to be done at the same time per Phil LaMoreaux. One variance would be the frontage for the Subdivision, and the tower would be in excess of what is allowed so would need a variance and a Special Exception for the tower in any zone.

Mention was made that a filing application and abutters list and labels need to be received 21 days prior to the Hearing Date they want to come to.

Ed Saltalamacchia – Wet Basement Solutions – Property owned by Sugar River Bank, property on East Main Street – Map 17, Lot 62.

Mr. Saltalamacchia advised he rents the property to store his trucks during the night as well as storing some products he uses. There is no office there. Marcia Keller, Chair advised he is operating a business there which requires a Site Plan.

It was stated by Phil LaMoreaux, Vice Chair that it is the responsibility of the property owner to file a Site Plan Review, but if they have asked Mr. Saltalamacchia to represent them he will need signed authorization from the bank.

It was explained that this is a Conceptual Consultation

A modified site plan shall be used for additional businesses or expansion of use on the same site, and this is what needs to be done per Phil LaMoreaux, Vice Chair. Only the elements of the original Site Plan which has changed need to be presented, and both submission and approval may be done at the same meeting. When the Site Plan has been modified the vacant portion of the property should be shown as vacant.

Decision was for the Planning Board to write Sugar River Bank a letter of explanation, and Mr. Saltalamacchia will wait to hear from the Bank.

Review letter to the Selectmen:

1. A revised letter will be forwarded to Sugar River Bank to include a copy of the current site plan as well as Site Plan Regulations which needs to be modified to show all the changes since this plan was filed and approved. A time limit was set of March 30, 2012.

2. Letters to the Selectmen regarding Valley Excavation for a new application and bond which has lapsed with a date certain of March 20th, 2012 was suggested. It was decided that a member of the Planning Board will talk with Nate Kimball prior to any other action, including a copy of a letter December 14, 2011 sent via Certified Mr. Kimball.

Motion was made by Bill Glennie to forward a letter to Valley Excavation and request Mark Keith to mention it in person to Nate Kimball. Seconded by Phil LaMoreaux. Motion carried 6-0.

3. Soaring Goose: Marcia Keller, Chair will write a letter to the Selectmen and attach previous notices including the Notice of Decision for the off premise sign, which is in non-compliance, written on July 14, 2009, and request enforcement, for the Lumber Barn, with cc to the Lumber Barn.

4. Motion was made by Phil LaMoreaux, to write a letter to the Selectmen regarding the un-permitted sign at Pizza Chef which should be removed. Seconded by Marcia Keller, Chair. Motion carried 6-0.

Workforce Housing wording was discussed and it was decided that after three years it would be left for the voters decision and not try to promote again why it should be passed.

Meeting adjourned 9:00pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley