Planning Board Minutes 03.08.11

MARCH 8, 2011

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair opened the meeting with Barry Wheeler, Sonny Harris, Bill Glennie, Jim Bibbo, Alternate, John Greenwood, Alternate, and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair seated Jim Bibbo for Marcia Keller and John Greenwood for Barbara Vannata.

Review and Consideration of February 8, 2011 minutes:

Motion was made by Jim Bibbo to approve the February 8, 2011 minutes. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised the end of the first paragraph under Jessica Selby stated that no Public Hearing is required, but they were in the middle of a Hearing but it was determined that there was no notification of abutters required.

Motion carried with edit 5-0.

Martyn Chivers, Breezy Hill Road –Preliminary Conceptual Consultation re: Junk Yard.

Scott Snedeker explained that Mr. Chivers is looking for a motor vehicle salvage yard license and what is required and where it is required.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised of some general information from DES that list requirements as well as local Zoning Ordinances and discussed what applies. Mr. Snedeker advised that trees and shrubbery are known as fencing.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised that Junk Yards are allowed by special exceptions as stated in the Zoning Ordinance only in the Residential/Rural district, and must conform to State regulations. This means that part of this application will require special exception. The Shoreline Protection Act also must be followed. There is a 250 foot setback from jurisdictional water. There is an existing Site Plan and this could be considered as a modification as a change of use. Best Management Practices was also suggested by Phil LaMoreaux, Chair. as being something to be addressed. Environmental Fact Sheet’s from the NH Dept. of Environmental Services were handed out from a member of the Conservation Commission.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised that the discussion tonight is non-binding.

It was stated that Mr. Chivers could go to the Conservation Commission first for a Special Exception if they desired. Discussion ensued.

To Do Folder:

Communications were signed to go to the Treasurer for refund checks.

Other Business to come before the Board:

It was discussed and decided that the original plan from the Hugh Wilkerson Site Plan, Map 7, Lot 47 needs to be recorded. Sonny Harris will get in contact with Mr. Wilkerson and request copies of the records that will be forwarded to the tax assessor.

There being no other business, motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn at 8:10pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
