Planning Board Minutes 03.25.08

MARCH 25, 2008
7:00 PM

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair called the March 25th meeting to order at 7:10pm with Charles Meany, Selectmen representative, Barbara Vannata, Bill Glennie, Barry Wheeler, Sonny Harris, and Jim Bibbo, Alternate present. Marcia Keller was absent.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair seated Jim Bibbo for Marcia Keller.

Consideration and Approval of Minutes of January 22, 2008:

Motion as made by Jim Bibbo to accept the January 22, 2008 minutes as presented. Seconded by Barbara Vannata. Bill Glennie and Charles Meany abstained. Motion carried 5-0.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair welcomed the new members, Barry Wheeler and Sonny Harris.

It was mentioned that Jeff Aarons and Carol Meise will be alternates.

Election of Officers:

Motion was made by Bill Glennie to appoint Jane Johnsen as an alternate. Seconded by Jim Bibbo. Motion carried 7-0.

The secretary will make up folders for the new members and alternates.

Motion was made by Charles Meany to nominate Phil LaMoreaux to continue to be chairman. Seconded by Bill Glennie. Motion carried 6-0.

Motion was made, to nominate Bill Glennie as Vice Chairman by Jim Bibb, seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 6-1. Bill Glennie voted nay.

Gravel Pit follow up:

One return resulted from the letters that went out with the new Regulations with a February 22, 2008 return request, that being Barry Wheeler. Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised he had been in contact with Bruce Edwards recently about the new pit that his site plan had recently been approved for and informed him that it would still require permits as it was not part of the site plan. Phil LaMoreaux, Chair understands there has been some significant changes to the drainage in the pit from his conversation with Mr. Edwards. A follow up with Mr. Edwards or his representative, RCS Design will be necessary.

Considerable discussion ensued regarding the other pits in town. Will again research files for reclamation plans and gather information for the April work session. Charles Meany, Selectmen questioned if the Code Enforcement officer could be requested to go out and inspect the pits that are in question and make a determination whether they are active or closed, making an official designation. At the April meeting it will be determined who will be required to have a hearing, and who will require a letter.

Conservation Planning:

Ann Eldridge, Conservation Commission handed out Project Narrative Outline information on Housing and Conservation Planning Program 2008 Grant Application.

Miranda Levin is working on this and the deadline is April 11, 2008. This is a long range planning tool. Sonny Harris questioned the communication between boards, and how it could be improved upon.

Revision of site plan regulations:

Copies of the working copy of a site plan regulation update (March 25, 2008) were handed out by Phil LaMoreaux, Chair who suggested everyone read it and mark it up to bring into the next working meeting for revision. This will be the first item on the agenda for the April 22, 2008 meeting.

Dunkin Donuts:

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised he had been contacted by Dunkin Donuts regarding their lighting at their new facility. A picture and specifications were received the week of March 24, 2008 and were looked at by the planning board members.

Motion as made by Charles Meany to accept the new proposed lighting plan for the Dunkin Donuts facility as presented to the planning board. Motion seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 7-0.

“To Do Folder’:

Contents of the To Do Folder were gone through, and copies of the upcoming 15th Annual Spring Planning and Zoning Conference applications were handed out. This conference is scheduled for April 26th. Several of the planning board members are interested in attending. Sidewalk grant was discussed. Jane Johnsen, Alternate and Jim Bibbo, Alternate volunteered to work on it.

Meeting adjourned 8:55pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
