Planning Board Minutes 04.22.08

APRIL 22, 2008

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair called the April 22, 2008 meeting to order with Marcia Keller, Barbara Vannata, Barry Wheeler, Sonny Harris, Charles Meany, Selectmen, present, and Carol Meise, Jane Johnsen, and Jim Bibbo, Alternates present. Bill Glennie was absent.

Consideration and Approval of Minutes of March 25, 2008:

Motion made by Barbara Vannata to approve the March 25, 2008 minutes. Barry Wheeler seconded. Edit under Election of Officers, last Motion, spelling of Jim Bibbo.

Marcia Keller abstained. Motion carried with edit. 5-0.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair seated Carol Meise for Bill Glennie.

Letter to Town of Newbury:

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair wrote a letter to the Town of Newbury regarding request for George Carafa, Map 1, Lot 04. and went over it with the Planning Board members. Refers to RSA: 674:53, 1, 3, 4

Gravel Pits:

Discussion regarding regulations, applications, and follow through. It was suggested that the Code Enforcement Officer could do an inspection of any unpermitted pits. A list of reclamation standards should be provided to the Code Enforcement Officer and a list of what he could go through for an inspection. Charles Meany advised the Code Enforcement would be acting as a representative of the regulators. Concept is to have the Code Enforcement Officer do an inspection and if he notices any conditions that need to be addressed through closure, that the procedure would be to send a letter to the owner so stating and give them a period of time by which to rectify the situation. Go through closure, file closure, report at least to the Planning Board.

Charles Meany advised a letter should be forwarded to the Selectmen requesting that as the regulators we have assigned the Building Inspector to go and look at these pits and evaluate them per our standards. Barry Wheeler will be present only as an observer. Things the Building Inspector should have but not limited to: 1. RSA: 155-E: 5 Minimum and Express Reclamation Standards, (the minimum the Building Inspector should refer to when assessing the site. 2. Reclamation Standards, found on page 6 of Planning Board Reg. 3. Maps, Lots, and whatever details from the Planning Board files.

Jane Johnsen presented a form the State uses, an Excavation, Reclamation check list which the Building Inspector may find very helpful.

Intent to excavate is scheduled from March to March and is done at the Selectmen’s Office after completed Planning Board forms have been done. This is like an Intent to cut form, only for gravel.

Charles Meany, Selectman will check at the Selectmen’s office to see which pits in town have paid money to the State, and will advise at the next Planning Board meeting.

The Planning Board as a group will go on a Site Walk, and invite the Building Inspector to join them on any application as deemed beneficial.

Site Plan Update:

General consensus was to modify the existing regulations, and not start over again.

Some wish list information includes: Locus Map – showing streams and wetlands, review setback from linear wetlands, currently wetland setbacks are based on area, and maybe they should revise the wetland criteria to include linear wetlands which would be along streams. Some further concerns include drainage, illumination and signage. Marcia Keller suggested all board members should read the Site Plan and bring whatever changes they see to the board at the next work session on May 27, 2008.

Charles Meany questioned holding a public hearing. After the proposed changes in the Site Plan Regulations have been in place, the board will notice a Public Hearing, hold a Public Hearing, if no proposed changes, then the board can vote to adopt it, sign it, then it will be official.

A light on the corner of Route 103 and Center Road belonging to Anne Hallahan needs to be looked at as it is blinding traffic coming up the highway. The Building Inspector should be advised of this. This is a safety issue.

Jane Johnsen and Jim Bibbo have been sworn in as Alternates to the Planning Board.

To Do Folder:

1. Department of Safety MV letter received from the State regarding Martyn Chivers, 10 Breezy Hill Road, Map 3, Lot 74A requesting to open an inspection station for Auto and Motorcycle. Phil LaMoreaux, Chair read the letter to the Planning Board.

Motion was made by Barry Wheeler to allow the request by the State for Martyn Chivers to operate an inspection station for Auto and Motorcycle on Map 3, Lot 74A and return a letter so stating. Seconded and carried 6-0.

A copy of a letter to the NH State Historic Resources Officer was received by the Planning Board regarding the West Meadow Road bridge over Hoyt brook. This is a standard dredge and fill application submitted by SEA Engineering. This is for information only.

Notice received that CNHRPC is putting on an Innovative Land Use work shop, on May 22, 2008, 6:30pm to 8:00pm., at the Henniker Community Center. Ian Thomas, Circuit Rider is actually coordinator for it. Also, on May 8th, 2008, 6:00pm to 8:00pm there is a Getting To Know N H Granite Data Mapper at NHTI in Concord.

Regarding the Flood Insurance Map that we have, Fema notified they will be posting a notice in the local paper. There is a 90 day review period for changes to the maps, which started April 20, 2008.

Jane Johnsen reported on the meeting she and Jim Bibbo had with Mr. Corrigan regarding a grant for “Safe Walk to School”. He is willing to come to a planning board meeting, and Jane will see if he could come for the May 27, 2008 work session.

Meeting adjourned at 8:50pm.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
